Hot Dog Bush - Cooking Games

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gry hot dog - win

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The Devil's Perspective: A Mild Defense of the Other Side of Zhongli AKA I'm going to get downvoted

Note for the mods: This is not a generic complaint/rant post as described in the stickied thread. I am trying to give reasoning for the unpopular opinion that the Zhongli “situation” isn’t a situation at all, and the complaint threads are too much. Realistically, this thread will either go ignored by the populace or I will be downvoted so hard I won’t see the light of day again for many moons.
Anyways, onto the fool’s errand of playing Devil’s Advocate.
Note: I do not go on to make the argument that "This is a gacha game so suck it up" or "People aren't used to this type of game in the West and so people are angry for no reason." In fact, I go on to mention how bad of a decision it actually is for MHY BECAUSE this is a gacha game.
So you spent 100,000 primobucks on the hot new character in the hit new gacha game and turns out they’re complete garbage. That sucks, but hold your dead horse of a paimon food joke for one arbitrary unit of time because we need to take a moment to discuss the finer intricacies of what sort of things it actually makes sense to complain about, and what sorts of things are just the angry ravings of a GAMER who drank too much GAMER FUEL.
First off, gacha systems are naturally predatory systems, but are a fairly reasonable way of monetizing a free to play game; especially one with high production value. I do not support predatory gambling-based systems, but the game is like this and there's not really much we can do about it so it's a moot point to really think too much about how scummy it is. Because of the “Breath of the Wild”-eyness of this game coupled with the seemingly innocuous marketing this game has had in Western circles, this game has caught on in a marketplace that isn’t exactly used to gacha monetization models, and it shows. The huddled masses can liken Genshin Impact to a more accessible RPG, MMO, or other Western game but the reality is that gacha monetization systems are basically trading card systems where you trade drop rates for waifu potential. Where are you going to get a 3D model that moans when it climbs cliffs? Not in Hearthstone, that’s for sure. The gacha model has a few caveats, especially combined with higher production value, which I will elaborate on right now. This sentence is a segue:
  1. Gacha systems are dependent on player retention. As gacha games (no matter the genre or playstyle) are based upon timed content releases that are generally free, there must be a market available ready to spend money on each release. As most gacha games are essentially waifu PNG collectors, the amount of budget any given developer can spend on their hot new bi-monthly eye candy varies, but are generally much lower than in Western games where players expect things like “models” and “real animations” and other unrealistic gaming dreams. (Imagine simping for something that moves??? And that isn’t a battleship?)
  2. Gacha systems are extremely prone to power creep. What’s the best way to sell your new big-bosomed super UR mega-carry? Make them powerful, of course! Gacha games are on a track for power creep from the conception of the game, and I implore you to find a single popular example that shows otherwise. This is compounded by the fact that a single game can only have so many new “mechanics” implemented before retreading old ground by adding numbers is the best way to differentiate the characters. The reality is that power sells characters, and characters pay for the food scraps the developers eat as they grind away endlessly on their next 3-week release schedule. Sometimes, I hear they even get to drink something other than Red Bull!
  3. Gacha developers aren’t dumb. When your entire monetization model is based upon player retention, every decision is ultimately scrutinized to a degree that no outside observer would ever consider reasonable. If you build the next Call of Duty, you don’t need to worry about retaining players because once they buy your game, you have their money. Not so in a F2P monetization world. You NEED to keep your players around. An indie game developer goes under every 40 seconds (No source on this, but I wouldn’t bet against it). MOST game companies are basically constantly scrounging to keep their staff of underpaid worker drones fed and bred long enough to replace them with fresh-faced college grads ready to work in their favorite hobby field! (Oh boy, what a dream!) Note that even larger developers have this sort of issue. (Just look up layoffs)
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s tackle some of the hot topics we all know and love related directly to everyone’s favorite artifact gri- I mean game, Genshin Impact!
Note the following before we move on: (Ha, I got you with more numbered tangents)
  1. Every character is viable. Now, before anyone goes off and tells me about how bad Amber or Lisa or Kaeya is, the fact is that every single character in this game can be played on late-game content, and succeed. (See that guy who posted a few days ago about clearing abyss 12 with welfare characters) Every character, even will ultimately do “fine” as a minimum. This is relatively unheard of in the gacha world. Remember that card game analogy? Think of the characters like cards in a card pack. The reality is that not every high rarity card is good. Note that I don’t condone the explicit placement of garbage tier pity-breakers in my card games; I’m only saying that Genshin at least won’t screw you over with something actively unplayable.
  2. The game is in its infancy. This thing is like 3 months old, with an update period of 6 weeks. There will be future content which shakes things up, and there will be a large amount of room for modification to systems and implementation of new mechanics over the months and years. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the game WILL change.
  3. The developers know things we don’t, and ultimately bureaucracy will stand in the way of fast change. This is the reality of all large-scale game development. The timescale for non-gamebreaking changes to be made is the realm of weeks and months, not hours and days. No matter how many angry peons are on reddit complaining, the social media peon will still need to tell the public relations peon who will still need to tell the game development peons who will still need to schedule a preliminary hearing to discuss the problem who will then bring it up to the executive and budget team lead peons who will have another meeting to discuss possible changes which will then get backlogged by some software developer peon who will then be laid off and have that work put into a codebank that none of the other peons understand. That’s just the way of the world. All the aforementioned peons also have an intimate knowledge of the pipeline of incoming content and changes, which none of us are exactly privy to.
Onto the actual discussion which will be shorter than the prologue: Why reading the reddit posts on this thread makes me want to slam my very real forehead repeatedly onto my very hypothetical and unattainable in this economy granite countertop.
Complaining about an underpowered character in a PVE game (mostly singleplayer, to be completely frank) doesn’t make sense. Now, I’m not saying Zhongli isn’t underpowered. I’m not saying his ratios are dog and his elemental particle generation is starting its life cycle circling the hypothetical drain in my granite countertop. I’m saying that as long as the character is viable and the customer has a means of being informed about the power level of the character, you cannot in good conscience complain that you spent money on him. Just like how if I buy a used junker toyota corolla on ebay without a title and missing its front plates, the customer is responsible for ensuring they are getting what they want when you pay for something. The game has given you two (2) opportunities to play the character before you decide if you want to roll for him, and there is a veritable goldmine of information gleanable from the internet if you do a simple search. The subreddit knew for at least a week that he would suck on release.
Now, the reality is that it doesn’t actually matter what the power level of a released character is. They don’t even need to be viable. The simple truth is that it feels bad for a character you like to be underpowered, and it would be great for all the characters to be strong. Something that people don’t think about, though, is why would MHY release a character that is basically complete trash? Despite what the forward-thinking people of this sub would tell you, there is no MHY gremlin clasping his hands together thinking about all the… money? That they will make off this… underpowered character release? Wait a minute. Yeah that really doesn’t make sense, huh? If a character’s power level doesn’t actually matter as long as the customer is informed, why in the name of all things profitable would a company decide to release something in this state?
Because of forethought. It doesn’t benefit MHY in the slightest to have a character release be in the trash bin. He won’t be in a standard banner for at least a year. He won’t be obtainable as filler trash to make you want to buy more packs for that third Diluc constellation, he won’t be shoved in your throats in advertisement and promotional material for each new banner… Hell, he won’t even be around long enough to survive the new year. MHY knows what they’re going to pump out in the future, and what types of content they are producing, and they MAY know that there is something coming further down the line that will make the character much more powerful than he is in this state. Note that the alternative is that MHY is full of absolute idiots who don’t know a single thing about how video games actually work, but that’s not really realistic despite how funny it would be.
Let’s talk about a slightly different argument:
“Well, shouldn’t a 5-star unit be powerful in its own right? Zhongli doesn’t even fulfill the role of a 4 star character… how is this reasonable?”
First off, he does meet the standard of a 4-star character at the minimum. Second, while it would be nice to have every 5 star be powerful in their own right, not every 5 star can be in-line with the sorts of effects that people generally see. (Generally straight DPS output) I agree he could be stronger. I agree he SHOULD be stronger. The thing is Zhongli brings his own niche to the meta of the game and when the character roster is much larger he will most likely fill a role that only he or a very small roster of characters can fill. This is true for every single character in the game. A hallmark of good game design is the idea that the player can choose what they want to do and still succeed without going for what is “ideal” on paper, and a weaker character that brings a certain level of utility will allow you to do that just as well as the fire man who can one shot slimes.
“The community is angry now… shouldn’t they buff him now because the decision is so unpopular??”
Something that many people don’t think about in gacha games is the reality of post-release changes. In a game like League of Legends, the developers can fine-tune things as they generally please, without regard to how the dedicated playerbase for a character will feel about that character. Want to remove Gangplank’s gun and give him a bag of wrenches to throw at people? Go ahead! It’s not like they paid money for it. Gacha games, however, work differently. You cannot nerf a high rarity character in a gacha game post-release. That’s how you get absolutely demolished by the people who spent 500 dollars rolling for the next big waifu who is marginally better than the previous big waifu. You release a weak character? Great, whatever. People don’t have to buy them. They are able to make informed decisions to an extent, and haven’t lost anything on release. Nerf a strong character? Even I can’t come up with an argument to help the poor gacha developer who makes that decision. Cue reddit threads saying “I got my right kidney removed so I could afford the Lisa/Ningguang/Kaeya hybrid DPS Support character, and now you’re removing their triple revive and 14,000 HP heal??? I want my kidney back!” Okay, I can make an argument, but it’s not really one that anybody wants to hear which is that when you sold your kidney in exchange for virtual character models you didn’t actually legally buy anything binding and that’s a risk you have to take when buying anything software-related/in-game. Still would suck a lot more than releasing a weak character, however.
The stronger characters are on release, the less design space the developers have for adding new mechanics that old characters can interact with. A weak release is a way to mitigate power creep when gameplay changes in the future, and allow the developers to do more with a weak mechanic rather than directly adding bigger numbers to the magic white text that appears whenever you hit something. Again, all of this is dependent on MHY’s ability to actually make the gameplay changes necessary to enable these characters. The fact that Childe and Zhongli are in states where they aren’t necessarily the strongest actually put a fair amount of hope within me that this game won’t end up like all the others where you absolutely have to get the new banner characters if you want to keep clearing end-game content. God knows how much of a headache that can be, and how much more universally hated it would be than weak releases.
Now there's plenty of other things I kind of have arguments for like the constellation system and resin and whatever other crap people like to complain about, but I'll end this post here. It's already wasted enough of my time considering It'll just get ignored or downvoted or removed by a mod. Please direct any inquiry to the comments, where I will argue to the death that game developers are good people and companies need to make money. Also Blizzard and EA can suck it because fuck them.
Thanks for listening if you made it this far :)
TL;DR: With full knowledge of the power level of a character, it is unreasonable to complain about them because you didn't do research and still purchased. Zhongli IS underpowered but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Gacha systems force designers into design decisions which direct them towards powercreep. To avoid this and give design space in the future, underpowered releases can be made more powerful while also attempting to solve the issue of inevitable powercreep in the game. High rarity gacha characters cannot be nerfed post-release or else you will draw ire from the community. (Much moreso than right now) We don't know what changes will be made and the game is still young. Underpowered characters are still viable in the lategame and at the current time can clear lategame content. This is a PVE singleplayer game where viability of characters doesn't matter as much, and high development costs contribute to the idea that MHY must have a plan with a weak release considering releasing "bad" characters is really bad for the health of a gacha game.
submitted by mizuromo to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

Ghost of Tsushima for PS4 Reviews - OpenCritic

Game Information

Game Title: Ghost of Tsushima
Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher: Playstation
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 85 average - 88% recommended - 94 reviews

Critic Reviews

3DNews - Алексей Лихачев - Russian - 7.5 / 10
A decent open-world game with gorgeous art direction and some unfortunate missteps which become more and more apparent the more you play. Whatever you are doing here, almost every mission ends up with two or even three fights with mongolian soldiers. And even engaging stories during these quests can't fix the repetitiveness.
ACG - Jeremy Penter - Buy
"An absolute pleasure to play"
Ars Technica - Sam Machkovech - Unscored
If you need to get lost in over 30 hours of heroic gameplay right now, in a single-player adventure with no online connectivity gimmicks or content locked away as DLC, Sucker Punch has you covered with an instant contender for 2020's game of the year.
Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - Spanish - 91 / 100
Yes, we have the presence of some clutches and design flaws very typical of the subgenre to which this title belongs, but nothing that overshadows the experience that this closure represents to the great exclusives of the PlayStation 4.
Attack of the Fanboy - William Schwartz - 4.5 / 5 stars
Ghost of Tsushima is a masterclass on how to make a palatable and focused open world experience
AusGamers - Kosta Andreadis - 8.1 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima isn’t perfect, not even close. But neither is Jin Sakai, and his journey from Samurai to Ghost is one worth savouring, and a Legendary Tale all its own.
CGMagazine - Lane Martin - Unscored
I adore Ghost of Tsushima in some pretty major ways. It certainly isn’t a perfect game, but it is fairly close.
COGconnected - James Paley - 90 / 100
I can think of no better game to be the swan song for the PS4.
Cerealkillerz - Gabriel Bogdan - German - 8.7 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima often loses itself in visual details and is missing endgame challenges but still offers enough gameplay variety and content to even get classic open world RPG Fans on board. For fans of the world of samurais and katanas this game is definitely the best one in years.
Critical Hit - Darryn Bonthuys - 9 / 10
A melancholic tale of war and a fitting epilogue to a current-gen era, Sucker Punch's latest effort is a slick showcase for the PlayStation 4 that draws you into a world that never fails to impress. Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece of precise gameplay, emotional turmoil and powerful world design. - Michael Pulman - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima might be the last big gun on the PS4, but it’s also one of the best, albeit for a slightly disengaging main plot.
Daily Mirror - Lloyd Coombes - 4 / 5 stars
This quest for revenge might not challenge your expectations, but there’s no denying the amount of fun to be had off the coast of Japan.
Daily Star - George Yang - 5 / 5 stars
The gameplay is fun, the narrative and its characters are great, and the art direction is absolutely beautiful. The pros here vastly outweigh the cons. Ghost of Tsushima is a breathtaking adventure.
Destructoid - Chris Carter - 9.5 / 10
With Ghost of Tsushima under its belt, Sucker Punch deserves to be in the same conversation as Insomniac, Naughty Dog, and Sony Santa Monica. If this generation is to wrap up soon, it's fitting that it'll end with Tsushima: one of its most beautiful games thus far.
Digital Chumps - Nathaniel Stevens - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a narrative-driven game that has unique combat, a plethora of exploration, and enough heart to keep gamers coming back for more even after the game is beaten. The lack of a combat camera locking system will certainly cause some frustrations, but that is small potatoes when compared to the rest of the experience. This is the game Sucker Punch said it would be, and you won't be disappointed.
Digital Trends - 4.5 / 5 stars
Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best games I’ve played this year — it might’ve been my favorite, if not for The Last Of Us Part II. Jin Sakai’s story is violent but thoughtful, delivering an experience that feels unique on the PlayStation 4 despite the fact 2020 is the console’s last year before the PlayStation 5 makes it obsolete.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 3 / 5 stars
A wild misfire with every narrative element it attempts, and it boils down to this: Sucker Punch decided to do a historical epic inspired by Kurosawa… and produced something that fails as both history and as a pastiche of Kurosawa.
EGM - Mollie L Patterson - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima falls short of the kind of gameplay we expect from developer Sucker Punch at this point, but then excels all other expectations in its storytelling and world building. Protagonist Jin Sakai and the rest of the cast are all fantastic characters, and the tale they tell is one worth experiencing—even in those moments where the gameplay may falter.
Easy Allies - Brad Ellis - 8.5 / 10
Review copy provided by PlayStation. Ghost of Tsushima is a captivating journey through ancient Japan with fluid swordplay and a gorgeous world to explore.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Loved
Despite some minor flaws, Ghost of Tsushima is trully a love letter to samurai cinema.
Eurogamer - Chris Tapsell - No Recommendation / Blank
Limited by a rote and rigid world, Sucker Punch's samurai homage pairs okay action with enjoyably committed, if awkwardly fawning melodrama. - Giuseppe Arace - Italian - 7.5 / 10
In short, the Ghost of Tsushima wind blows lightly.
GAMES.CH - Benjamin Braun - German - 89 / 100
Sucker Punch combines an epic, profound story about honor and the will of freedom with versatile action in an atmospheric setting in pre-industrial Japan. The diverse game world with all its cultural references offers a worthwhile and vast proposition, never becomming an annoying obligation. - Polish - 9 / 10
This is a great work to say goodbye to PlayStation 4, not only dotting and after a few really good years of using this console, but also allowing you to look optimistically into the future, waiting for what studios such as Sucker Punch Productions will prepare for the next generation with better technology.
Gadgets 360 - Akhil Arora - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima falls a bit short. The narrative blocks and storytelling are too straightforward. To add to that, the side-quest bloat seeps the narrative of its pacing
Game Informer - Matt Miller - 9.5 / 10
At turns both melancholy and thrilling, Ghost of Tsushima is the open-world action formula at its most mature and immersive. Deep, rewarding, and hard to put down
Game Rant - Anthony Taormina - 4.5 / 5 stars
Sucker Punch Productions builds on its open-world expertise with Ghost of Tsushima, putting players in control of a deadly samurai.
Game Revolution - Mack Ashworth - 4 / 5 stars
Ghost of Tsushima is a worthy addition to the roster of must-play PS4 exclusives that have kept players loyal to the console.
GameByte - Oliver Hope - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima offers an open world that is fun to experience but is let down by its missions. If you can look past that though you will love it.
GameMAG - Александр Логинов - Russian - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a stunning mix of Assassin's Creed and The Witcher 3, based on samurai films and traditional Japanese contemplation of nature. At the same time, this is the best Assassin's Creed ever created. There are no emasculated positive heroes and unambiguous villains, the tasks are exciting and interesting. And this is currently the most fascinating and visually impressive game on the PlayStation 4.
GamePro - Dennis Michel - German - 90 / 100
Ghost of Tsushima with its wonderful world, great characters and a massive combat system is the last highlight of the PS4 era.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 8 / 10
It is quite possibly the best samurai game ever made, and is well worth picking up if you’re after another epic open-world to get lost in. Just temper your expectations as much as your steel.
GameSpot - Edmond Tran - 7 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima has some dull edges, but strikes a lot of highs with its cinematic stylings.
GameZone - Cade Onder - 8.5 / 10
As the sun sets on the PS4, Sucker Punch has given the console a noble send-off with Ghost of Tsushima. Although it takes some time to feel engaged by its beautifully tragic narrative, its brutal yet eloquent gameplay and picture-esque world never fail to capture you.
Gameblog - Jonathan Bushle - French - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is definitely the last great game PS4 deserved. It's a fantastic open world game, visually stunning, incredibly fun to play, whether you choose to progress as a noble warrior or a stealthy ninja, a very immersive representation of feudal Japan and a truly admirable love letter to the samurai movie genre. If you own a PS4, you MUST play Ghost of Tsushima.
Gamerheadquarters - Jason Stettner - 8.6 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a great experience, telling the tale of a lone individual that’s trying to hold together the idea and honor of what it means to be a Samurai despite the odds requiring new methods of engagement.
Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - Chinese - 8.5 / 10
The beautiful sightseeings, intense samurai combat, and fascinating side-missions of Ghost of Tsushima are appealing for me. But the dull and repetitive open-world makes the exploration experience boring.
GamesRadar+ - Rachel Weber - 4.5 / 5 stars
Ghost of Tsushima is the samurai Assassin's Creed Ubisoft will wish it had made
GamingTrend - Ron Burke - 95 / 100
Ghost of Tsushima is easily the biggest and most ambitious game Sucker Punch has ever undertaken. It's also the best game they've ever made. Akira Kurosawa would be proud.
Geek Culture - Jake Su - 9.3 / 10
A fitting PlayStation first-party exclusive to arrive for the PS4, Ghost of Tsushima is an epic adventure that has all the right ingredients for major success.
Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 9.5 / 10
The game is an extraordinary combination of great storytelling and combat set in a remarkable world.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a landmark game that blends its narrative with its visuals perfectly, and has delicious, satisfying combat to boot. Climbing is clumsy, and the story takes a while to get going, but overall it's a truly wonderful game.
Guardian - Keza MacDonald - 3 / 5 stars
Visually rich design brings cinematic scope to this historical action game, but when sword-fighting brings diminishing rewards, console yourself with a haiku
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 4.5 / 5
Ghost of Tsushima is one of the few games this generation that left a momentous impression on me.
Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 91 / 100
Ghost of Tsushime is a beautiful game. This samurai open world has a great combat system and it is technically flawless, but its gameplay is too conservative and it often feels too generic.
IGN - Mitchell Saltzman - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is an excellent action game and its open world is one of the most gorgeous yet.
IGN Italy - Davide Mancini - Italian - 7.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful love letter to the chambara and atmospheres of feudal Japan, but it is also a confused open world, which alternates fun moments and a fascinating style with sensational naivety.
IGN Spain - Spanish - 8.7 / 10
Sucker Punch has successfully solved the challenge of creating such an extremely Japanese game by an occidental studio. Despite being essentially a blueprinted open world game, its historical setting and combat with katana are extremely satisfying to have enjoyed the more than 20 hours of game it has to offer.
Inverse - 9 / 10
Sucker Punch’s latest tries to do a lot, and it slam dunks a vast majority of its narrative, design, and stylistic choices. Sure, the game could have leaned more aggressively into some of its best features. But I’ll happily take 'Ghost' for what it is: an incredible showcase of everything great about this generation of video games.
Kotaku - Ian Walker - Unscored
At its core, it’s just another open-world game.
LevelUp - Luis Sánchez - Spanish - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a slight surprise. It is an all-around experience which delivers the fantasy of being a mythical samurai warrior. However, not everything shines, especially with the stealth systems, that do not square up, mechanically nor thematically. As the old saying goes, a samurai cannot obey 2 masters, because he dishonors himself. Thus, Ghost of Tsushima is a reminder of why Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2 are generational gems and benchmarks in open world terms. - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is the samurai game I’ve personally always wanted, and it’s one I can find myself diving into just to explore the world and take in the sights as I play, helping Jin find some small measure of peace along the way, assuming the wind guides us there.
Merlin'in Kazanı - Ersin Kılıç - Turkish - 75 / 100
If the game was developed a little more it might have turned out to be a classic, but with this current state Ghost of Tsushima is only a good action game.
Metro GameCentral - 7 / 10
A competent but shallow and overfamiliar attempt to replicate Assassin's Creed style open world adventure in the world of 13th century samurai.
Nerdburglars - Dan Hastings - 6 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is an artistically creative game that often feels like a realistic Zelda game. The minimal UI, clever use of wind and beautiful environmental details make exploration rewarding on its own. When it comes to combat, the game falls flat. With a huge number of combat games to draw inspiration from, it is a shame this game is more like Dynasty Warriors than it is Ninja Gaiden. Endless button mashing with no way to ever pull off slick combos will have you feeling bored very quickly. You never feel like the powerful warrior the story tries to make you believe you are. Combat feels like you are trying to beat a screw into a piece of wood using a hammer.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 84 / 100
Ghost of Tsushima offers a well-designed open world that combines great combat with enticing exploration. The excellent art style brings this unique historical setting to life, and smart design choices help the game overcome its minor flaws.
Next Gen Base - Andrew Beeken - 9 / 10
A game full of meaningful moments, of quiet contemplation and brutal, savage combat. A game about family, tradition, honour and change that comes at a significant point of change in Sony’s videogame strategy. A more hopeful and less alienating experience than The Last of Us Part II and a step back to a more gentle and inviting form of open world adventure, Ghost of Tsushima is both a celebration of the past and a look towards the future, and is a fitting first party swansong for the PS4.
Nexus - Sam Aberdeen - 9.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a fitting swan song for the PS4, and ends this generation of PlayStation on a triumphant note. Sucker Punch have to be applauded for once again creating a jaw-dropping open world with strong visual fidelity and some of the best art direction they've ever achieved.
Oyungezer Online - Turkish - 8.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima was a very enjoyable adventure for me with its tireless open world, well-crafted and memorable characters.
Paste Magazine - Garrett Martin - 7 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima just wants you to play a game you’ve basically already played many times, while also telling you about that cool old samurai movie it watched the other day. Which one sounds more interesting to you?
PlayStation Universe - John-Paul Jones - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima elevates the existing open world adventure template with a fantasy-free Samurai adventure that deftly pays loving homage to the Samurai cinema of old. While your mileage may vary according to your level of open world fatigue, Ghost of Tsushima undoubtedly remains not only one of the best open world romps money can buy and a stunning PlayStation 4 exclusive, but also Sucker Punch Productions finest effort to date. - Michele Longobardi - Italian - 7.7 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima has exceptional aesthetic care, has a solid and convincing combat system, stealth phases in the norm, but lacks in too many things to be able to become a new reference point for Sony's exclusive production - Paul James - A-
The world is enormous, filled to the brim with rich content to explore. It can be a bit much sometimes with the number of artefacts you can find or haikus to sit and devise bloating things a little bit, but players will be blown away by the deep storytelling and unbelievable style and personality that Ghost of Tsushima brings to the table.
Polygon - Carolyn Petit - Unscored
Ghost of Tsushima offers a lovely world to explore, and there’s value in that, but it should have been so much more than a checklist of activities to accomplish.
Post Arcade (National Post) - Chad Sapieha - 8.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is indisputably indebted to Assassin’s Creed (and, to a lesser degree, Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption games), but it does just enough to establish a personality of its own. And it’s fun.
PowerUp! - Adam Mathew - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima isn't perfect but, like a summoned objective on your touchpad, it's a breath of fresh air that'll send a warm chill down the spine of any Samurai aficionado.
Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 8.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima might be built from the same stuff as its AAA, open world contemporaries, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the best open world experiences of the generation.
Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a joy to play and a joy to behold. Sucker Punch has crafted one of the most memorable open world games of this generation, buoyed by an immensely satisfying combat system and an engaging, dramatic story. - Ondrej Džurdženík - Slovak - 8.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima provides us with an awesome trip to feudal Japan that only lacks a bit of story depth.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 9 / 10
The island of Tsushima is the star of the game, with its variety and beauty, and myriad of secrets and stories. Coupled with all the interlocking systems and varied options, though making the game somewhat bloated, makes this one of the most well rounded experiences I've experienced.
Screen Rant - Christopher Teuton - 5 / 5 stars
Ghost of Tsushima is the best Assassin's Creed game there is, and likely the closest many users will ever get to experiencing what it's like to be a samurai in 11th century Japan.
Shacknews - Blake Morse - 9 / 10
Perhaps Ghost of Tsushima isn’t a perfect cherry blossom, but it is pretty damn close as far as I’m concerned.
Sirus Gaming - Erickson Melchor - 9 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is a worthy addition to the pantheon of games under the care of Sucker Punch Productions. This honestly feels like a true return to form from a studio that wavered ever so slightly at the beginning of this generation. Sucker Punch may have stumbled a little at the gates, but with a game like this, they finish strong at the twilight year of this console generation. A full understanding of the system's strengths and a creative vision that would not compromise for anything, that's what made the samurai epic, Ghost of Tsushima, possible.
Skill Up - Ralph Panebianco - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

SomHráč.sk - Martin Kubeš - Czech - 90 / 100
Ghost of Tsushima has gripped me like no other title in a while and will resonate with me long after I have beaten it. We couldn't wish for a better final AAA exclusive title for the PlayStation 4
Spaziogames - Domenico Musicò - Italian - 8.2 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is probably the best game about Japan, but the story is too simple and the complex combat system can be tricked by evasive actions that transform it into an easy game.
Spiel Times - Caleb Wysor - 7 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is an enjoyable but muddled experience: its strong gameplay fundamentals are hampered by a lack of originality and weak storytelling.
Telegraph - Dan Silver - 3 / 5 stars
Sucker Punch's PS4 tribute to Akira Kurosawa is gorgeous to behold but its sparse open-world and bloated mechanics has it falling short
The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is greater than the sum of its parts: it does not reinvent the wheel in any of its aspects, but offers an experience that will thoroughly entertain lovers of open world and oriental settings.
TheSixthAxis - Aran Suddi - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is an artistic triumph, capturing a real cinematic feel through its visuals, immersive world and soundtrack. However, Jin is a serviceable main character and he and his journey to save Tsushima is often overshadowed by secondary characters and smaller, more personal stories found in the side quests. Throw in some formulaic missions and an awkward user interface, and Ghost of Tsushima is at times more style than substance.
Too Much Gaming - Matthew Arcilla - 7 / 10
As an earnest, respectful tribute to jidaigeki dramas and the films of Akira Kurosawa, Ghost of Tsushima fares well enough. It creates a fictionalized account of the Mongol Invasion and weaves the tale into the most videogamey of videogame things – an open-world sandbox filled with straw-hat wearing ronin, mischievous foxes, hot springs, and meditative haiku. It’s easily the most ambitious output from Sucker Punch Productions to date.
TrueGaming - محمد البسيمي - Arabic - 8 / 10
Ghost of Tsushima is an artistic experience packed with an engaging adventure that bring us many wonderful and thrilling storytelling moments.
TrustedReviews - Jade King - 4 / 5 stars
Ghost of Tsushima is an excellent open-world adventure from Sucker Punch Productions which adds some innovative ideas to a fairly stagnant genre. The game's depiction of the time period is generic and inoffensive, but that doesn't prevent it from being a stunning visual showcase and a worthwhile swan song for the PS4
Twinfinite - Alex Gibson - 4.5 / 5
Ghost of Tsushima features a level of charm that gives it a soul and personality lacking from so many AAA games lack these days. Even if it ultimately suffers from repetition by the game’s end, and despite a lack of variety in its quest, the magic of that initial exploration and the beauty of its world will stick with me for a very long time.
USgamer - Mike Williams - 4 / 5 stars
Sucker Punch's first stab at a stealth action adventure hits the mark. The island of Tsushima is a beautiful backdrop for this tale of revenge and honor and the environmental art is a visual treat. Combat and stealth are largely solid, though there are issues with the camera and hitting the right targets. The biggest stumble comes with the Japan
submitted by thavius_tanklin to PS4 [link] [comments]

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A hot dog in one of his ears, a pretzel in the other ear, and a nacho chip in one nostril. The man says, “Doc, this is terrible. What’s wrong with me?” The doctor says, “Well, first of all, you need to eat more sensibly.” ... Graj w gry online Hot Dog Bush online za darmo. To jest najlepsza gra Hot Dog Bush dostępne w Internecie. Darmowe dzięki Hot Dog Bush do gry jest także usługa portal The day of the big game is here, and you’re very excited about it! The tickets are sold out, but you can watch the game directly from your new workplace, Papa's Hot Doggeria! As the 7th installment of the Papa Louie's series, Papa's Hot Doggeria challenges your cooking and serving skills with lots of picky customers and diverse recipes. Hot Dog Bush. Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra? Opis gry:. Zrzuty ekranu z gry przesłane przez graczy. Przepraszamy, wystąpił niespodziewany błąd. Spróbuj zagłosować ponownie później. Gra kulinarna - Hot Dog Deluxe. Zarejestruj się lub hot, żeby skomentować Register Gra. Confirm Coś robienie nie tak, spróbuj ponownie. Powiązane gry ... Hot Dog Bush is trendy, 988,850 total plays already! Play this Jedzenie game for free and prove your worth. Enjoy Hot Dog Bush now! ... Gry zarządzanie Gry zręcznościowe Kolekcje gier Gry o Bushu Gry z jedzeniem Gry kucharskie Gry polityczne Gry w sprzedawc ... He saw a man eating a hot-dog, so he decides to open his own business. The games have more levels and the actions are in New York, the first level starts in the Bronx and for travel at the next level you have to get a goal based on money. In the first level, you have to make just hot-dogs, first you have to grill the meat and prepare the bread. Details Introducing PSD Socks. Features on trend designs with premium comfort. Classic Crew Cut Height Performance Cotton Blend Heel & Toe Support Sport Cushion One Size Shipping Free shipping on US orders over $75. Most US orders are delivered within 5-10 business days through UPS. Visit our help center for more s Hot Dog Bush Gry - 8iz. Ciekawa produkcja multiplayer, w której zajmujemy gry największy teren, zdominu Elsa rozstała się ze swoim chłopakiem po kilku letnim związku. Planowała dog nim dalszą hot, a nawet ślub ,ale niestety losy potoczyły się inaczej. Minęło już kilka tygodni od tego czasu. Gra Hot Dog Wektory, Zdjęcia i pliki PSD Desant - posiadasz hot jeden lokal na gry, a jeśli przetrwasz najtrudniejsze chwile, to za każdy następny tydzień dogów premię 10, 15 i 20 tys. Robienie - posiadasz dwa lokale i dwie kelnerki, gra wyposażenia i trochę zapasów z hurtowni. My boyfriend got their Zilla Dog, which was topped with kimchi, chicharonnes, scallions, and their “money” sauce. Except for rare occasions, I avoid hot dogs because they’re too salty for me. 4505’s hot dog was salty (as expected) but flavorful. Their chicharonnes were airy and crispy like Asian shrimp crackers.

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