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I just really love the Fallout Universe.

High all! I really recently fell in love with the Fallout Universe, with all its complexities and unique stories. In particular, I very much enjoy the subjectivity of interpretations of the games and their outcomes, and I wanted to create my own personal contribution by writing a story specifically set after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. The Courier is referenced once in passing and there's no mention of a next of kin for the Courier. The story is completely original with entirely unique characters that I've made and it takes place after a non-specific timeline in which Mr House wins the fight for the Mojave Desert. I wanted to share some of my work with my fellow Fallout fans and see what you think. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.
After the guns fell silent during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the world was forever changed. Mr House’s City State of New Vegas gained full sovereignty and control over the Mojave Desert, and his Securitron Army pushed the exhausted NCR and broken Legion out. In the following years, Mr House rapidly expanded the city of New Vegas, and reignited the production of old Pre-War Technology automobiles, bus lines, and a high speed train line appeared. The Strip itself expanded beyond the Three Families; Strip clubs, pubs, casinos, all you can eat buffets filling the area, with some residential apartments and houses now beginning to be sold to the highest bidder, just as it was in the old world.
The expanded city of Vegas outside the Strip itself however is a slum, crime, inequality, and denigration is all but abundant, and unrest is growing. Following the removal of President Kimball, his Vice President Donald Watson took over and inherited a State in crisis. Faith in the government had rapidly deteriorated, and the economy of the NCR began to suffer as many relocated to the Strip to live a life of luxury and excess. The NCR is now a shadow of its former self, with Military Police now required to keep order on the streets of its towns and cities. The poverty level is rising. In the East, Caesar’s Legion too is changing, and not for the better. With the Western Campaign a failure by all accounts, resources dwindling, questions about the strength of their Leader Caesar are cropping up in the minds of those closest to him.
By 2295, the pieces had fallen into place. The fate of these States and the people who uphold them is uncertain. One thing is for sure. Whatever happens, the Wasteland will be changed unlike it has ever been before.
‘I appreciate your respectful and restrained response to my contact. It is a pleasure to interact with the less agitated members of your State.’
Aminta barely heard Mr House, and instead stared out the windows of the Lucky 38. The skyline of the Strip extended seemingly forever, pushing away the surrounding darkness with neon light. Just beyond the city outskirts, the silhouette of Mr House’s newly created Launch Pad. It was one of five, and she could just see the other four, each slightly further away from the city than the last. She scrutinised them, and was struck by the boundless possibilities of such technology; the opportunities provided. How exciting it would be! Mr House’s voice then cracked her thoughts and brought back to the present. She listened, without comment.
‘Roughly 18 hours ago, a team of five extraordinarily skilled individuals ascended Hoover Dam from the base of the structure,’ The ostentatiously large screen in which Mr House’s face sat suddenly changed to show grainy footage. ‘This was captured by one of our cameras on the perimeter of the dam. I apologise for the bad quality, it has been surprisingly difficult obtaining improved camera lenses, and As you can see, they used some kind of Grapnel Launcher and ascended via the rope.’
On the screen, it was possible to just make out five distinct figures at the base of the dam. They were clearly dressed in dark clothing, though the quality was too poor and the camera was too far away to make out any of the fine details of the material. Aminta scrutinised the footage, watching intently as the five figures used an oblong object, reminiscent of a hunting rifle to fire a rope, or cord up the side of the dam; high enough to catch the top. The operator of the device then disconnected it from the gun, and pressed it into the ground. It appeared to stick. They then ascended the rope. The camera feed then cut to show three of the attackers subdue and restrain two security guards. Due to the light, it was clear that the clothing the criminals were wearing was Recon Armor, though there were no insignia or identifiable characteristics. The two men were then held down by two and clubbed across the face by the third member with the butt of a 10mm pistol. He then turned to the computer and retrieved something from his pocket. Then the screen went black.
‘At this point, at roughly 1:27 am a Trojan was fitted onto the system. It temporarily disabled all the security cameras in the sector. It was one of the strongest Trojans I’ve ever come across, but I was able to get the system back up and running within 15 minutes. Unfortunately we cannot recover any footage from the corrupted data files that detail how the robbers escaped. I hope you can understand why I decided to contact you.’
Aminta pondered to herself. Why would Mr House, a man who controlled Rockets and owned and governed an entire city and it’s enterprises, would need to contact the New California Republic for assistance in a robbery? From where they were standing, he appeared to be in a position any high ranking NCR official would kill for. She didn’t say anything. There had to be more to this meeting than what Mr House was implying. She looked to her left, trying to be casual. Sitting next to her with an overexaggerated grave look on his face was Political Officer Neville Dawson, and next to him was Dennis Crocker, former Ambassador to the Strip. They too were quiet, their faces frustratingly hiding what they were thinking. Not sure where to look, Aminta turned back to the screen Mr House’s caricature face was on. She had to say something.
‘Mr House, why exactly do you think these people targeted Hoover Dam? There are many casinos and places full of money on the New Vegas Strip. Is there anything of massive value at Hoover Dam?’
‘Well Chief Aminta Marr, no, ostensibly speaking, there is nothing there of real value to anyone, unless they have the ability to take and control the Dam and source it’s hydraulic generated electricity,’
‘Then why would someone do this?’ Aminta said curtly. She tensed up, not meaning to sound dismissive.
‘Well Aminta, they did take one thing from what we've deduced,’ Mr House said, appearing to ignore her tone.
‘And what was that Mr House?’ Neville cut in. He was leaning forward, hands clasped tightly together. He was trying - and failing - to ease the tension in the room.
‘Well, before I contacted you Neville, and to answer your question Aminta, I ran through my storage records from 2285 to the present. I had Mr Harvey Shwarze, my ‘Representative in Government’ review them in paper form in our archives. Three things - completely inconsequential things mind you, were missing. Three Platinum Chips.’
Three Platinum Chips?’ Neville said concertedly, as if he knew exactly what Mr House was talking about.
‘That’s right. It’s a data storage device, well it was a data storage device. Designed by me before the Great War of 2077. Perhaps once upon a time this would’ve been valuable to somebody, but after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam I had access to all kinds of ruined facilities all over the Mojave to reform to working order. I began reprinting hundreds of Platinum Chips which were variations of the original Platinum Chip. They continuously upgrade and encrypt my software to prevent any outside programmers from accessing my highly sensitive data. I have no idea what a group of hooligans would want with three. I can easily replace them, and since they’re only usable on my systems, well they would simply be useless.’
‘Perhaps they wanted to sell them,’ Aminta proposed. It wasn’t impossible, she thought. People pay top dollar for things with perceived value, isn’t that the cardinal rule of the Strip?
‘To whom?’ Mr House replied. ‘The point still stands. Nobody has any use for them but me.’
‘Well, perhaps they thought they were valuable.’ Dennis remarked.
‘In any case, they will soon learn they are not valuable.’
‘If you have no problems with this Mr House,’ Aminta cut in. ‘Why do you need us here? The NCR has its own problems, big problems, and from where we’re standing, you seem to have everything under control.’
‘That’s precisely the issue!’ Mr House exclaimed. ‘The very fact they managed to steal anything from me at all is deeply disconcerting! I spent days and nights running statistical simulations for all possible scenarios in and formulated the best plans for countering every scenario I came across!’
‘I guess my point is, I do not understand, in any capacity, why you, YOU of all people would need to call us for assistance in a matter that you - whether intentional or not - have spent the last fives minutes telling us it isn’t an issue.’
The room fell quiet. Aminta pulled her hands back from the table and into her lap, and looked down at them, pretending to be occupied analysing them. She had exposed the true, unspoken meaning of this meeting, and they all knew it. She bit her lip. Dennis wiped the sweat off his face. Neville breathed in deeply, as though he was going to speak. But Mr House did first.
‘As I understand it, the NCR has fallen on hard times since the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. My Lieutenant after the battle was admittedly curt in regards to handling our relations, and since then it seems your economy is really struggling with extremely poor unemployment and satisfaction levels,’ Mr House paused.
Neville looked at Aminta with a look of understanding, and regret but he didn’t say anything. Mr House was right. Of course he was right.
‘It just so happens that while it may look from the outset I’m doing well, with the occasional launch of one of my experimental rockets, crime in Greater New Vegas is extraordinarily high. To be clear, the Strip is not, but the extended city state with the newly constructed buildings - those areas are. I want to make a proposition for the mutual benefit of the NCR, and New Vegas. Neville, think carefully about what I’m about to say.’
Neville spoke up. ‘Alright, I’m all ears.’
‘Dennis Crocker here can once again become the Ambassador to the Strip, and the NCR can once again have an Embassy. I will also give the NCR access to some of my technologies to help your state re-stabilize after everything that’s happened. In return however, I would like Aminta here, who is your Chief and Commander of both your military and normal police forces, to assist my Securitrons in patrolling Outer Vegas. Securitrons don’t make the best police, and security guards are in short supply and are not equipped, in any sense, to be police. I also would like your help in tracking down the culprits of this robbery; that being an extension of the aforementioned policing stipulation. Such a breach of security cannot happen again. Neville Dawson, I’m willing to sign a treaty pertaining to these terms, or any terms the NCR may propose, unless of course it does mutually benefit both states.’
Aminta felt her twang strike her deep in her heart. For years, the NCR Police Force had been absorbed into the Military Police Unit, and they could barely contain black market dealings of Chems and military grade weaponry on the streets of NCR’s cities. They did not have the resources or power Mr House seemed to think they did. For nearly 3 years straight she had been bombarded with evidence of killings by her own subordinates, illegal incarcerations, and illicit behavior between colleagues within her own chain of command, with no power to rehabilitate or prosecute those involved. Meanwhile, those that had the money to escape fled to New Vegas, desperate to find a life of comfort. It was possible that through re-establishing trade and mutual respect with Mr House, they could rebuild the NCR’s respectability on the international and internal level. She found herself hoping the treaty would be signed.
‘This... is a huge proposition. I hope you can understand the overwhelming nature of what you’re telling us, it’ll take a bit for us to come to a conclusion.’ Neville exhaled, as though he had been holding it for the last minute.
‘I understand.’ Mr House responded.
‘Maybe I ask,’ Donnie piped up. ‘What specific kinds of technology will you provide to the NCR?’
Mr House ran down a checklist. ‘Vehicles. Remade pre-war cars. Excavation machines. Cement mixers. Would provide jobs and improve your infrastructure in the process, whilst also giving me business and improving the situation here. Mutually beneficial for both sides.’
‘I see.’
Aminta struggled to contain her happiness. She had become a police officer to enforce safety and protect those who abide by the law. This was a way back to such operations, in which she could help those in need, rather than sit idly while their situation worsened.
‘I’ll also be willing to give 10% of the electricity produced by Hoover Dam to the NCR. It produces more than I need.’ Mr House offered.
Dennis shifted his weight, and opened his mouth. It was a second before anything came out.
‘15% would be great, if possible.’
‘Done.’ Mr House concluded.
‘Well, we’ll definitely have to confer this back to President Watson. As previously said by Mr Dawson, this is a huge offer.’
‘I understand. Aminta, I can only hope you also support this.’
Aminta smiled. ‘I am willing to establish a NCR Police Force here in New Vegas, and assist in establishing prosperity and stability, for the benefit of both states.’
‘Excellent. I’ll arrange for a Taxi to take you back to the border.’
Nobody said a word in the ride in the elevator down to the entrance of the Lucky 38. There was a perpetual sense of being watched, and listened to, and Aminta supposed they probably were. She sensed from the stiffness of Donnie and Neville’s postures they felt the same way. As the three left through the ground level of the building, the desolate casino indicated a time long past, preserved in pristine condition yet uncannily lifeless; inhabited only by robots. Aminta felt a shiver flow throughout her body, prompting her to hurry outside.
Upon exiting, Aminta was greeted by the fantastic lighting she had seen from the Lucky 38. Buildings stretched high into the now night sky, perpetually lit up and calling for you to spend a few short hours in their luxurious suites and lose all the money you have without knowing it. She had visited the Strip a couple of times before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. Back then, whilst still grand, its exterior walls felt cobbled-together, layered pieces of steel to preserve what glory the pre-war days had. Now, the Strip felt open, almost a complete return to complete pre-war glory, though there was no way of her knowing what such a time looked like. Polished, beetle like cars with extravagant interwoven pieces of silver and gold making up their hubcaps cluttered the road, filled with nicely dressed young women chattering incessantly.
Boys, ranging from teenagers to old men stumbled around, drunk and happy, their legs falling beneath them as though they were wet noodles. To the left, the Ultra Luxe Casino hotel stood at the far end of the street, intoxicatingly ostentatious and alluring for any hoping to climb the social ladder, despite the many rumors of cannibalism attempting to tarnish the brand. The fountain outside the front sprayed sparkling water into the night air which caught the light of the strip and reflected it like the jewels the building it was in front of was embroidered in. However, Aminta was not taken by the hotel, and watched two NCR troopers, still in their military uniforms be forced to dance in front of a crowd of onlookers. They were pushed and shoved as they struggled to dance, their arms and legs barely keeping to any rhythm as they fell to the ground, vomiting a putrid yellow substance onto the asphalt. She looked away in disgust and embarrassment for the two men.
A man in an expensive looking suit and bowtie greeted the three. Behind him stood a long polished black car.
‘Shall I take you to the crossing point?’
‘Yes.’ Donnie answered. Aminta and Neville followed his lead. He had more experience on the Strip than the majority of the tourists around them. She started the car once they were all inside, the engine barely kicking as it began to drive. Aminta marvelled at its power, it’s sleekness, at the strength and confidence of its movement and the luxury of it’s exotic wood plated interior.
The chauffeur drove to the large South Gate of the Strip, passing multitudinous buildings of similar grandeur and spectacle, all the same though uniquely different, until they all blurred into one mix of different colours and moving forms. The chauffeur leaned out of the side window, showed an identification pass to a Securitron, and the gate opened. Aminta’s car was the only car that left. As the gate closed, the car picked up speed and tore through the rest of Vegas.
Immediately outside the Strip, the buildings were noticeably more dilapidated. Aminta watched as the varied prosperity of the Strip curtailed rapidly into a mess of buildings, barely recognisable as residential or industrial, though they were unmistakably new creations. She almost didn’t notice it at first, but they were all the same. Row after row of buildings with the same geometric exterior, though placed at odd angles to each other, as if a child had been playing with them and haphazardly threw them into where they now stood. As the car moved further and further away from the Strip, lights in these buildings became scarce, and the brickwork became exposed to reveal pipelines and shreds of electrical appliances, some still spitting sparks. When the light of the Strip was nothing more than a flicker of light on the night horizon, the copied buildings were replaced with houses, roofs sagging, walls crumbling. As the car zipped passed, Aminta caught wisps of figures; people moving about the ruins and the darkness like ghosts, until they passed the last house, and all that could be seen was the night sky and desert shrubbery.
submitted by Professional_Panda_5 to Fallout [link] [comments]

What Occurs to the older Slot Machines Used in Casinos?

What Occurs to the older Slot Machines Used in Casinos?
He casinos are afraid gamers will determine how to win, however we have a remedy!
Slot machines are superseded by new and enhanced variations at a virtually annual rate. Game-makers are regularly bringing out fresh versions that either assistance more video games or use up less area on the casino floor-- sometimes both. Include the video games that did not catch on with players and you are reliant discover much of in 2014's slot inventory gathering dust in the cellar of the casino parking lot.
But where do they go from there? Ideally not right into the hands of the economic sector. Afterall, if somebody had the ability to play the exact same slot machines free of cost for numerous hours daily, there's a chance they might have the ability to determine the slot machines weak points, by discovering its patterns, referring to a video slot machine certainly!
#slot #machines available for sale-- Bally slot machines-- WMS slot machines IGT slot machines
According to the Board of Enforcement of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, "Old machines may be ruined with local recycling facilities or removed for components and used on other slots. Non-restricted locations that hold a distributor's license are not required to notify the Board of this method. Nevertheless, documents of destruction/sales have to be maintained for auditing functions. Non-Restricted/Restricted locations without a distributor's license are required to send in writing to the Board a request for authorization to damage gaming tools and include their supply list.
" Slot machines might be sold, per Gaming Regulation 14.180 & 14.330 (offered on the GCB internet site) and the kinds are submitted to the Board accordingly."
Yet there's life for slots after Las Vegas and Atlantic City, as Scientific Games' Supervisor of Sales Dwayne Dawson tells us. "We've seen recently that some larger operators will transition older slots to second- or third-tier residential or commercial properties within their profile-- for example, moving a five-year-old slot machine from Las Vegas to one more market that may not attract the consumers the Las Vegas property commands.
" For slot machines that we have, such as wide-area progressives, when they no more become an asset we can deploy, we market these to the secondary market. They might utilize them for spare parts or move them to another part of the world where an older product, to us, could be a newer item for that market.
" And sometimes," Dawson concludes, "we junk the slot machine when there's no market ideal. The game might be so unique or a qualified item that we can not redeploy it, so junking is one of the most viable choice. We deal with business that concentrate on ditching to ensure all relevant legislations are complied with in the disposal. That is, we just don't toss them in the dumpster."
Boyd Gaming Supervisor of Communications David Straw verifies this. "In most cases, we offer 'retired' machines to dealers who typically market them to overseas gaming drivers. Additionally, there are numerous on-line representatives are authorized to offer our old inventory like Bally slot machines, IGT slot machines, and WMS slot machines. One such company is hired THE NEW AGE. Various other times, we use the machines as a trade-in toward the purchase of new devices. And also in a few cases, we will certainly utilize the machine for extra parts for older models.
" If we are not able to offer or trade in the machine, there is a regulator-approved procedure in each jurisdiction for damaging it, but certainly, we attempt to tire other alternatives first. The one thing we do not is sell machines straight to various other operators or collection agencies-- we constantly work through straight game room companies like IN THE NEW AGE, nonetheless there is an arrangement that must be executed. The agreement mentions the seller will assure to sell the slot machines for the function of recreational use just!
Adds MGM Resorts International chief representative Alan Feldman, "I assume they're all rented [machines] now. The modifications in the machines are coming so fast that I think it is the only way to not be stuck to old modern technology. When the machines return to the manufacturer, I think they're either re-leased or offered outright to what I would call the second market: smaller casinos in the U.S., global casinos, and also raciness in the UNITED STATE, among others."
So old slot machines never pass away; they simply work their way down the food cycle. Below the casino industry are machines sold to the public. Google "used slot machines" as well as you will create a lot of internet sites primarily some of the bigger slot machine sellers like IN THE NEW AGE and also a couple of others.
Check out an authorized slot machine dealer such as IN THE NEW AGE! IN THE NEW AGE markets a number of game room products consisting of yet not restricted to: Slot machines, video poker machines, arcade machines, arcade games, pinball machines, game tables, jukeboxes and even more!
submitted by itnaarcade8 to u/itnaarcade8 [link] [comments]

What Happens to the older Slot Machines Used in Casinos?

What Happens to the older Slot MachinesUsed in Casinos?
He casinos are afraid players will determine just how to win, yet we have a remedy!
Slot machines are superseded by new and also improved versions at an almost yearly price. Game-makers are regularly drawing out fresh designs that either assistance much more games or take up much less space on the casino flooring-- occasionally both. Include the games that did not catch on with players and you are liable to find much of last year's slot supply gathering dust in the cellar of the casino parking garage.
Yet where do they go from there? With any luck not right into the hands of the economic sector. Afterall, if a person were able to play the same slot machines for free for a number of hours daily, there's an opportunity they may have the ability to identify the slot machines weak points, by learning its patterns, referring to a video slot machine naturally!
#slot #machines to buy-- Bally slot machines-- WMS slot machines IGT slot machines
According to the Board of Enforcement of the Nevada Gaming Control Panel, "Old machines may be destroyed with local recycling facilities or stripped for parts and also used on various other slots. Non-restricted areas that hold a representative's permit are not called for to educate the Board of this method. However, documents of destruction/sales should be preserved for bookkeeping objectives. Non-Restricted/Restricted places without a supplier's certificate are required to send in writing to the Board a request for authorization to damage gaming devices and also include their stock list.
" Slot machines might be sold, per Gaming Policy 14.180 & 14.330 (offered on the GCB internet site) and the types are submitted to the Board appropriately."
However there's life for slots after Las Vegas and also Atlantic City, as Scientific Games' Supervisor of Sales Dwayne Dawson informs us. "We've seen recently that some larger operators will transition older slots to second- or third-tier residential properties within their profile-- for instance, moving a five-year-old slot machine from Las Vegas to an additional market that may not attract the clients the Las Vegas building commands.
" For slot machines that we possess, such as wide-area progressives, when they no more come to be a possession we can deploy, we offer these to the second market. They might use them for spare components or move them to another part of the globe where an older product, to us, could be a newer item for that market.
" As well as sometimes," Dawson ends, "we junk the slot machine when there's no market suitable. The game might be so distinct or a licensed product that we can not redeploy it, so scrapping is one of the most sensible choice. We collaborate with business that specialize in ditching to ensure all relevant regulations are complied with in the disposal. That is, we just don't toss them in the dumpster."
Boyd Gaming Supervisor of Communications David Straw validates this. "In many cases, we offer 'retired' machines to wholesalers that generally resell them to abroad gaming drivers. Likewise, there are a number of online suppliers are accredited to market our old stock like Bally slot machines, IGT slot machines, as well as WMS slot machines. One such firm is called THE NEW AGE. Other times, we use the machines as a trade-in towards the acquisition of new systems. And in a few instances, we will certainly make use of the machine for spare parts for older models.
" If we are not able to offer or trade in the machine, there is a regulator-approved process in each jurisdiction for destroying it, yet certainly, we attempt to tire various other alternatives first. The one point we do not is sell machines directly to other operators or enthusiasts-- we constantly resolve straight game room business like IN THE NEW AGE, however there is an arrangement that must be carried out. The contract states the retailer will assure to offer the slot machines for the function of recreational use just!
Adds MGM Resorts International chief representative Alan Feldman, "I think they're all leased [machines] now. The adjustments in the machines are coming so quick that I believe it is the only method to not be stuck with old modern technology. When the machines go back to the manufacturer, I believe they're either re-leased or marketed outright to what I would certainly call the additional market: smaller casinos in the U.S., international casinos, and also raciness in the U.S., to name a few."
So old slot machines never pass away; they simply function their means down the food chain. Below the casino industry are machines offered to the general public. Google "used slot machines" and you will develop plenty of sites primarily a few of the bigger slot machine stores like IN THE NEW AGE as well as a couple of others.
Visit a certified slot machine dealer such as IN THE NEW AGE! IN THE NEW AGE markets several game room products consisting of but not restricted to: Slot machines, video poker machines, arcade machines, arcade games, pinball machines, game tables, jukeboxes and also even more!
submitted by itnaarcade8 to u/itnaarcade8 [link] [comments]

Interview with magician Lee Asher (President of 52 Plus Joker American Playing Card Collector Club)

Interview with magician Lee Asher (President of 52 Plus Joker American Playing Card Collector Club)

Who is Lee Asher?

I first came across the work of Lee Asher many years ago. At that time I was exploring my long-time interest in card magic, and Lee had made some good contributions in that area. One of his signature tricks that he is well-known for is an ace routine called the Asher Twist. If you enjoy card magic, you'll appreciate the cleverness involved and the impossibility it apparently creates. Lee is skilled magician, and his name will be familiar to many from his work as a magic consultant.
But Lee Asher's credentials extend much further than the contributions he's made as a magician. Self-described as a "playing card and sleight of hand expert", it's especially his expertise in the area of playing cards that will interest most readers of this article. When my personal interest in playing cards was revived in the last number of years, I kept coming across his name in several places. When researching things like the iconic Jerry Nuggets Playing Cards, I came across his outstanding article on the subject. While looking up information about dating playing cards, his name popped up yet again, once more with a very informative and authoritative article about this. Via the official online portal for the 52 Plus Joker American Playing Card Collector Club, PlayingCardForum.com, I learned that Lee is in fact the current President of this highly respected organization for collectors of playing cards.
All this is to say that when it comes to experience with playing cards, it's hard to think of someone with finer credentials than Lee Asher. From his personal experience as a magician and a collector, as well as his involvement with 52 Plus Joker and as President, it's obvious that he knows what he's talking about. And fortunately for us, Lee was happy to talk to us, agreeing to this interview, in which he answers questions about himself, about playing cards, about collecting, and of course about 52 Plus Joker. So let's hand it over to Lee, and hear what he has to say!


The Interview

General background
For those who don't know anything about you, what can you tell us about yourself and your background?
My name is Lee Asher. I'm 42 years old, and I'm a second-generation sleight of hand artist. My father taught me magic at the ripe age of seven. When I was about fifteen, I started performing magic for money at restaurant and private gigs. Eventually, I moved from my birth state of Florida all the way to Las Vegas, Nevada to attend University and study casino management (UNLV).
Directly after graduating in 1999, I threw all my possessions into a Las Vegas storage locker and chased my heart to Paris, France. During this sublime period of my life, I also traveled around Europe performing and teaching my brand of sleight of hand to other magicians.
Once I conquered Europe, I began performing and lecturing around the rest of the world in cities such as in London, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Kuala Lumpur, Perth, Shanghai, Taipei, Santo Domingo, Beijing, Tokyo, Glasgow, Tel-Aviv, Hong Kong - and the list goes on and on.
Eventually I moved back in the Americas. Now I live in Canada, married to the woman of my dreams. My wife's name is Christina. And while we have no children, we have a big lovable boxer dog named Quinton.
What do you currently do for a day job and/or what are your other interests?
I'm a magic consultant, magician and playing card expert. In my spare time, I like collecting antique, vintage and modern playing cards. I also like creating sleight of hand and other fun moves. But when I'm not holding cards, I'm reading, cooking, watching movies or playing card games with my wife.
Given that you have had a successful career in magic, what would be some highlights in your personal curriculum vitae?
I'm fortunate. I have a bunch. Here are a handful of highlights that mean the the world to me: ● 1993 - Performed with my father as a walk-around magician on Miami's exclusive, Fisher Island. ● 1996 - Performed at the Magical Empire, a 66 million dollar attraction at Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas. ● 2001 - Lectured at London, England's prestigious Magic Circle on September 10th, 2001. ● 2005 - Performed as an Absolut Vodka ambassador during their 'Magic of Winter' campaign using the now famous Absolut cards. ● 2016 - Magic celebrity judge on Amazing Magicians with China's most famous movie actress, Fan Bing Bing.
What sparked your interest in magic to begin with, and what is it about magic that you still love today?
My father. He's a eye doctor by day, and a magician at night. He's how I got interested in the art of magic. Adequately reflecting on his significance in a mere several hundred words is impossible. Nonetheless, I’d like to share some interesting facts with you about my dad, Mark Horowitz.
Let’s back up to the mid-1950s when my father was a child. New York City was a hotbed for magic in the United States, only rivaled by cities like Chicago & Los Angeles. Fortuitously, Dad learned from a handful of New York’s finest magicians. Mega legends like Al Flosso and Lou Tannen nurtured his love for the art. These men taught my father the foundations of magic. You can say these formative experiences helped mold him into the magician that Dad is today. On occasion, you’ll hear him reminisce fondly about spending time in those famous NYC magic shops.
BTW, Dad never became a full-time pro. Though he managed to support himself with magic gigs throughout university and optometry school. After graduating, he became a licensed optometrist with his own practice. He also became the resident trade show magician for Swan Optical and HydroCurve, a major contact lens company owned by Revlon. On top of his day job, Dad flew around the nation entertaining high-ranking executives and high-profile clients of the optical industry. Without a shred of doubt, my father paved the way for me to be a professional magician.
Moreover, if you've met him before, then you’ll know that Dad indulges by collecting artifacts from his youth. If it triggers fond memories of his illustrious past, he collects it. Of course it's impossible to own everything. So like any seasoned collector, he's refined his tastes over the years. Currently, he prefers acquiring magic-themed comics, autographed magic books and unique magic ephemera. His lifelong passion for collecting led him to amass the world’s largest magic comic book collection. This impressive feat landed him on the cover of MAGIC Magazine in April 2007.
During an early point in his life, my father immersed himself in the political side of magic. Year after year, he's generously helped organize IBM magic meetings, lectures and conventions on a local, state, and nationwide levels. To this day, he’s still involved with his local IBM magic club's affairs.
There's no question that his lifetime of remarkable dedication and outstanding service to the organization exemplifies his genuine reverence for the art of magic. While the word count on my heartfelt tribute here answering your question will sadly run out, the love I have for my father will not.

About playing cards
What kind of playing cards did you first use when you started magic?
My dad had already amassed a bunch of decks from years of performance and collecting, so my earliest memories of holding cards and practicing are with US Playing Card Company (USPCC) 808 Series Bicycle 'Rider' backs. Not too long after, I found Tally-Ho's, Bees, Blue Ribbons, and Aristocrats. Eventually, other brands like Hoyle (shell backs) made their way into my hands, too.
As you know, these are all American-made decks. So the first European deck I touched was in 1989. I was thirteen. It's also when the Klutz Book of Card Magic was released. It came with a bridged-sized deck of Piatnic playing cards. They were glorious! I never felt such a thick, smooth, robust deck of cards. My adventures with European decks would not end here. More on that later.
Do you use playing cards for anything other than card magic? (e.g. card flourishing, card games, or anything else?)
Sure. I play card games with my wife all the time. Lately, we've been enjoying a lot of Monopoly Deal (made by Cartamundi). She's savage and plays a mean game of cards. I hardly ever win!
As for flourishing, I still dabble. Though, I don't have the time to practice as much of it as I should. It's true what they say; you must use it, or you lose it. Back in the day, I was influenced by renowned skateboarders like Stacey Peralta and Rodney Mullen. I introduced aerial moves to the flourish culture like ‘Yo’ (1997), ‘Diving Board Double’ (1997), and rail slide-esque techniques like the ‘Silver Surfer’ (1998).
Unquestionably, I'm exhilarated by this new generation of cardists and magicians. It also thrills me when I see people playing with my techniques. For instance, a simple search yields hundreds of videos of young people performing these moves. It's an honor watching the material grow larger than I could have ever imagined.
What do you think are the essential qualities of a good deck of playing cards in terms of design?
I'm a magician. Thus, I'm answering like a magician. I need a deck of cards that people can recognize. For instance, if the courts are beautifully customized but no one realizes they're looking at a King of Clubs, then the design hinders the performance.
I also believe the cards should be somewhat symmetrical, though I'm open to interpretation. There are some beautiful one-way patterned decks. Plus, if subtle enough, the one-ways help me achieve some stunning magical effects! Shhhhh.....
What should buyers today look for in a quality deck of playing cards?
Honestly, a majority of buyers aren't aware of the diverse qualities found in playing cards. There are a plethora of options available on the market today.
My advice: Buy a few decks made by different manufacturers --from around the world-- and start playing. Gather your own empirical evidence. Do you like cards feeling thick? What about thin? Embossed? Or smooth? Believe it or not, this is a personal journey. You never know, you might discover something new about yourself along the way.
The playing card industry has changed rapidly over the last two decades. Do you have any thoughts on the explosion of custom playing cards?
As the self-proclaimed 'king of playing card geeks', I approve of what's happening. Every day I wake up and see new decks appear for sale from different producers, all around the globe. It's a playing card aficionado's wet dream.
Certainly it doesn’t take a psychologist to comprehend the decks we are attracted to --the ones we use for playing, performance and collect in our vaults-- speak to our own personalities and beliefs. They help make us feel unique, and it’s fair to say all these modern decks cater to this meaningful need.
Simply put, they offer a bit of happiness to those who find part of themselves represented within the design, color, and even texture of the deck. Again, I approve.
What impact has crowdfunding like Kickstarter had on the custom playing card industry and collecting? And what has your own experience (if any) with this been like?
Kickstarter and the crowd-funding concept have rewritten the rules on how items are produced and purchased. In 2009, when Kickstarter began, there were under fifty decks launched; now there are hundreds of decks per year looking for funding. Of those projects, at little less than half succeed and find financial backing. In the big scheme of things, that’s impressive!
More important, Kickstarter is where we’re seeing wonderful grass-roots innovation. If the crowd decides that the project isn’t interesting, then the project isn’t funded. So, no one wastes time on unnecessary R&D. The items that receive funding are the items people want. That, in itself, is an innovation. And because of the low risk involved with crowd-funding a project, more avant-garde, ground-breaking concepts are put forth. These kinds of ideas won’t be attempted by any of the larger card producers scared to waste money 'testing the waters'.
But it gets better. The internet encourages fans connecting with artists. Which, in turn, encourages artists pushing the limits on what they create. It’s a beautifully symbiotic relationship.
All the while, playing card manufacturers are looking for innovative ways to accommodate. As a result, ground-breaking innovation and even long forgotten vintage techniques are making major comebacks -- in modern ways.
Where do you think the custom playing card industry will go from here, and what innovations or changes might we see in the coming years?
Roughly ten years ago, I went on record saying most playing card innovation will focus on the tuck box. And that's what happened. We've seen a strong push re-popularizing vintage 'bells and whistles' that were famous in the 1970s. For instance, decks printed with metallic inks, extraordinary embossing, and tricked-out foiling have become vogue again.
Consequently, I believe the next ten years will usher in innovative improvements to stocks and finishes. We've satisfactorily tackled the aesthetic, now it's time to pioneer undiscovered tactile fronts. Companies like Expert Playing Card Co. and Cartamundi already lead the way. Cardistry, magic and card games also help drive innovation.
What can you tell us about the Lee Asher 605 Playing Cards, which you produced yourself?
As I mentioned earlier, my taste for European playing cards came early on. Because I lived in South Florida, you could find Fournier playing cards in certain shops. For those who don't know, this wonderful Spanish playing card company was founded back in 1868. In 1986, they merged with the US Playing Card Company. Now though, Cartamundi owns Fournier. Yet, Fournier continues to keep their unique style of printing which differentiates them from everyone else in the world.
When it came time to print a deck, I had several choices of manufacturers. Ultimately, I picked Fournier. Constant innovation, the desire to improve quality and their exquisite attention to detail makes Fournier a leading card manufacturer. These were my guys! My team worked with Fournier's art department. We scrapped our original thoughts and started to play with the Fournier 505 back design. It's beautiful and classical. We wanted to change it and put it to new use. Once out of pre-production, Fournier's art team dubbed these cards the 'Lee Asher 605 Signature Series'. It was great honor!
Printed on Fournier's best stock, my 605s are heavier and thicker than USPCC's casino-grade cards. Each deck of the 605 series is free of defects, and guarantees a precise slide due to the special varnish formula used. This varnish is exclusive of Fournier and follows a secret formula only known by two persons at the plant. At least, that's the story they told me.
This varnish gives Fournier cards their unique feeling and sliding ability. Plus it also adds to longer durability making them higher in quality than other cards on the market. Afterwards the card sheets dry in an oven and later, pressed. This process also gives the cards more resistance and durability.
Each deck goes through twelve (12) different quality controls along the manufacturing process. It ends in a final Intelligent Eye printing check and an optical infrared light test. This guarantees that each deck contains 55 cards. Unlike other manufacturers, all Fournier decks get cut one-by-one. This way, all cards (including the edges) have exactly the same size.
Without a doubt, you can feel a difference between my high-end 605 series decks and the ones produced in America.

About collecting
You personally have a huge interest in learning about and collecting playing cards. When did this interest begin, and what got you started in collecting?
Again, my father is an avid collector of magic memorabilia and other stuff that reminds him of his childhood. So it's in my blood. I have no choice.
But the playing card side of my habit didn't become apparent until University. That's when I had hundreds of decks littering my dorm rooms and apartment. You'd walk in on any given Sunday and find Jerry's Nugget, Golden Nugget, Desert Inn, Arizona Charlie decks and other random casino cards strewn across the floors. Without a doubt, practicing sleight of hand and cardistry can be messy!
What are some of the reasons motivating people to collect playing cards?
As I mentioned earlier, playing cards speak to our own personalities and beliefs. That means there are many reasons why people collect them. But it usually distills down to two different personalities types: ● Type A - People who collect a specific category, image, artist, brand, feel, reason, etc. ● Type B - People who speculate for money.
Which type are you? The good news is, there's plenty of room for both. The playing card world is inclusive. Also, if you collect long enough, you'll find yourself selling decks to buy other cards. It's natural. Ignore the opportunity to feel ashamed of any capitalist tendencies along your journey.
What are some of the things you personally and especially enjoy about collecting playing cards?
I appreciate the back story. It started with casino decks because of their history. Now I cannot help but notice that during the past decade, my collecting tastes & sensibilities have become refined. What I was originally passionate about back then, now curiously finds itself in the company of other newly formed interests.
Conversely, if you told me back in the beginning that I would find great pleasure in hunting down antique private-die playing card stamps, the younger me would have laughed out loud at the notion. These days, however, I look forward to sharing my label collection with anyone interested in seeing it. I even revel in finding better versions of private-die playing card stamps I already own. Coincidentally, if you are in possession of that almighty Caterson, Brotz & Co. label, give me a call and we will speak.
Within the past several years, I’ve been connecting the dots between U.S. Patents, inventors/artists & the actual playing card products manufactured. I write a monthly article titled the PATENT FILES that should interest any researcher out there. Digging through Google’s digitized patent area has uncovered a real treasure-trove of playing card history & information.
Once again, if you asked the younger me about working on this kind of historical research, I would have scoffed, made several snarky comments and declined. Yet now, all I can do is get excited thinking about it. My, how times have changed.
How many decks would you estimate that you currently have in your personal collection?
Lots. But that means absolutely nothing. Heed the old saying, "quality over quantity". It's impossible to own every deck of cards ever produced. Yet, it's possible to own the best of all the cards produced.
How do you organize and display your collection of playing cards?
Usually, I like my collection sorted by antique, vintage and modern categories. But lately I've been lazy and unorganized, so everything is mixed and thrown together. One of these days, I'll take some time and put everything back into some semblance of order.
Consider me a user as much as I'm a collector. Without a doubt, I play with my cards. But at the same time, they also get shelved to stare at from a distance. Finding a balance between the two has its difficulties.
When it comes to showing off my cards, they aren't presented well; I've got display decks in Carat Cases and what not, but it could be better. My friend and fellow playing card collector, Jay McKinstry (a master craftsman/artisan), asked if he could make some beautiful displays for me. This guy is the Michelangelo of wood craft, and that would be a dream come true.
One of these days, with McKinstry's help, I look forward to everyone appreciating all the cool stuff I've collected over the years.
Do you have any special categories of decks that you focus on collecting, and what are your favourite types of decks to collect?
We can break down American playing card collecting into three categories. Are you a modern deck collector, or maybe you fancy yourself as an antique collector? Vintage? Not sure? The easiest way to tell is by the age of the decks you collect: ● You’re an antique collector if the majority of your deck collection pre-dates the 1930s. ● You’re a vintage collector if the majority of your deck collection dates from 1931 to 1995. ● You’re a modern collector if the majority of your deck collection dates from 1996 to today.
It seems, the more you learn about playing cards in general, the more interesting each category becomes.
While I consider myself a vintage card collector, I’m the proud owner of some wonderful antique decks as well as a plethora of modern decks. That makes me a hybrid playing card collector. Apparently, we're a growing breed!
What would the most valuable deck in your collection be, and what accounts for its value?
Everybody is quick to speak about value, but no one ever discusses the worth of sentiments. What's my first European deck valued at on eBay? Maybe $5? $10? For me, it's priceless. So assigning value to my collection is much tougher than it looks. At least, for me. Maybe you feel the same way?
Where can we learn about grading and dating older decks of playing cards?
Pick up a copy of the Hochman Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards by Tom and Judy Dawson. This is the best resource on collecting American playing cards, ever written. They took all of long-time collector Eugene Hochman's research, and compiled it into one big volume. In those pages you'll find discussion about grading and dating your playing cards.
On a side note, if you Google search for info about dating and/or grading your deck, you'll find a bunch of articles relating to these topics. Most, if not all, of this info comes from the Hochman Encyclopedia and/or Tom and Judy Dawson. For instance, here are two links that cover the topics at hand: ● How To Date Your Playing CardsHow To Grade Your Playing Cards
I'm a new collector. Should I go out and buy a deck of 1970s authentic Jerry's Nuggets right away?
LOL! If you love collecting vintage casino decks, then sure. If you're speculating, buy as many as you can. But if you hear these sentiments and feel they're not applicable to you, then I'd suggest spending your money elsewhere. Like I said before, this is a personal journey. Take the time and discover something new about yourself. Collect what you think is worthy of collecting.

The 52 Plus Joker collectors club
How and when did the 52 Plus Joker come about?
In 1985, 52 Plus Joker formed to cater to the interests of American antique playing card collectors. We have long since broadened the scope of the club to include collecting playing cards of all sorts, from around the world. With the internet spurring the recent surge of interest in playing cards; geographical and categorical lines blur daily.
52 Plus Joker community facilitates: ● The collection and trading of antique, vintage and modern collectible playing cards and related items, ● The advancement of knowledge about the history, manufacture and artistic aspect of playing cards, ● The promotion of fellowship among members with similar interests.
52 Plus Joker welcomes you whether you're an experienced collector or newcomer to the world of playing card collecting. If you want more info or would like to join 52 Plus Joker, please visit their official website. For the record, it's the best $25 USD I spend all year long!
In your experience, what have you found to be some of the benefits of being part of a playing card organization like 52 Plus Joker?
52 Plus Joker Club membership provides a wide variety of benefits, including: ● Attend our annual playing card convention. A unique experience unlike any other. ● Auctions of collectible, unusual and rare decks throughout the year. ● Quarterly printed magazine 'Clear The Decks'. Broaden your playing card horizons. ● Monthly digital magazine 'CARD CULTURE'. Delve deep into playing card life. ● Inclusion within 52 Plus Joker's membership roster. Meet like-minded individuals. ● Access to the Ask Alexander database of all our archives. ● Personal club account on the world’s largest Playing Card Forum. ● Plus more!
When did you first get involved with 52 Plus Joker, and how would you describe what your role as President involves?
This will be my 10th year involved with 52 Plus Joker. I found them back in 2009. By chance, I stumbled upon an online advertisement for the combined 52 Plus Joker / International Playing Card Society convention in Toronto, Canada. Twenty-four hours after registering, my phone rang with the caller ID - THOMAS DAWSON! I already owned a copy of the Hochman Encyclopedia and knew who Tom Dawson was. I became star-struck that a luminary like him would call a neophyte like me.
Turns out he and his wife, Judy, lived in Toronto, too. As soon as Tom spoke, it felt like we were old friends. Within minutes, I he gave me an invitation to come over and see their playing card collection. I’ll never forget that moment. Receiving an invitation was an honor back then and it’s still an honor to reminisce about it now. For Tom though, he was simply acting like a playing card ambassador. There could not have had been a better welcoming committee to 52 Plus Joker.
About a week later, I attended the club's annual convention. WOW! I'd never seen so many unfamiliar decks of cards in my life. I had so much to learn. At one point, Judy Dawson remarked how the club could use a little more youth. She thought young people had little interest in collecting playing cards. Her comment was confusing. Was she unaware of the massive explosion of custom card collecting online? Apparently. Actually, 95% of the club had no idea. Quickly thinking on my feet, I requested some day passes. I blurted out that I could convince ten playing card collectors under the age of 30 to show up on the final day of the convention. Some members of 52 thought I was crazy. Judy was hopeful, but placed little faith in it.
To make a long story short, ten playing card collectors under the age of 30 turned up on the last day of the convention. Obviously, it wasn't hard. This club had yet to introduce themselves to the new generation of card collectors. With my help, that was about to change. I was unanimously voted onto 52 Plus Joker's executive board. They made me 'Head of Publicity'.
That was ten years ago. Since then, I've risen through the ranks. In 2016, I became the youngest president in the club’s existence. Without a doubt, our playing card future illuminates with great opportunity. It’s my pleasure to lead us into this bright light.
What can you tell us about the annual 52 Plus Joker decks?
Of course! I'd love to brag about this. Each year, we ask the some of the greatest playing card designers in the world to craft a club deck. Incredible artists like Jackson Robinson, Paul Carpenter, Mark Stutzman, Alexander Chin and Randy Butterfield have the distinct honor of creating masterpieces for us. Without a doubt, we’re the luckiest club on the planet to work with such amazing talent.
For our 2019 deck, we picked one of Europe's finest playing card designers, Lotrek. He says he’s working on a special deck that’s sure to knock our socks off. Lotrek is a man of his word and we all look forward to what he creates.
If you want to see and own this year's club deck, we release it every year at our annual convention. It's one of the highlights of our entire event.
Each year the club hosts a convention. When is this and what is it about?
We held this year's convention in Charlotte, North Carolina on October 9th - October 12th, 2019. It's a chance to meet legendary collectors & designers, hobnob with premier card manufacturers, and talk decks with other enthusiasts all night long. There's nothing like it in the world.
For more information or if you want to join us at future conventions, please visit here.
What can you tell us about the CARD CULTURE magazine that you are the editor of?
CARD CULTURE was my answer to satisfy the digital end of our membership. Plus, it allowed us to connect with members on a monthly basis. After pitching the idea to Tom Dawson (who was the President at the time), I enlisted Don Boyer as the editor in chief. We also managed to wrangle a handful of writers for monthly articles.
On the 15th of each month, CARD CULTURE gets delivered to your email inbox [sample issue]. Most of our membership consumes it on their tablets or phones. Though, we offer it at a high resolution so you can print it, if you want a hard copy. We try our hardest to impress you on a monthly basis.
Don ran the show up until the 25th issue. After his departure, I took over. In May, we published our 52nd issue!

Final thoughts
Is there anything else you'd like to share about collecting playing cards, or about playing cards?
The playing card world constantly changes. For instance, European card manufacturer Cartamundi purchased United States Playing Card Company. I made a video about it if anyone cares to hear me rant about playing cards: Lee Asher on USPCC's Merger With Cartamundi
We're living in fascinating times, and I look forward to what our future brings! Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts about playing cards, EndersGame.
If anyone reading this wants to continue the conversation, please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). I'm always interested in meeting other fellow magicians, playing card collectors and enthusiasts. Speak soon.


Lee Asher certainly has a lot to offer and share when it comes to playing cards, and I for one are very grateful that he was willing to do this interview. He has a wealth of knowledge, and his insights are helpful, and his enthusiasm is infectious. If you haven't yet seen it, I highly recommend listening to him talk about Cartamundi's recent acquisition of USPCC [link] - it's obvious that he's knowledgeable and passionate, and you'll learn some fascinating things from what Lee has to say.
Collectors in the United States will also appreciate learning more about the 52 Plus Joker club. If you're really keen, you may even want to attend the annual convention in October. Certainly take a look at what they offer, including the very interesting Card Culture magazine.
Once again a huge thank you to Lee Asher for conducting this interview - I know I've learned a lot, and enjoyed hearing what he had to say. Lee's enthusiasm for playing cards is something that many of us around the world share, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that sees somewhat of a kindred spirit, with our shared love for playing cards.
Where to learn more?Official website for Lee AsherLee Asher 605 Playing CardsLee Asher's articles on magic and playing cardsOfficial website for the 52 Plus Joker American Playing Card Collectors ClubThe Annual 52 Plus Joker ConventionCard Culture sample issue

Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks.com here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to Magic [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 11th - Tue, Sep 17th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Sep 11th

  • 🎓 1 Million Cups (Starspace 46 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am 1 Million Cups is monthly community initiative to support local startups and innovators. It’s a great networking opportunity where two entrepreneurs present. Next, there’s a little Q&A. Finally, the audience asks what we can do to support the entrepreneur in their endeavors. The event requires no registration, is always free, and includes…
  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • 🎓 Budgeting for Baby (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Bumpos, Wubba Nubs, and Boppys, oh my! Sometimes budgeting for baby can make you feel like you're speaking a different language. Librarians and new moms Heather and Amber share and translate how to navigate the must-have, and don't-need supplies when preparing for baby. You'll also be able to make and take your own felt board learning toy for…
  • 🍴 Dope Poetry Night (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Wednesday night at the Ice Event Center Sports Bar and Grill located at the heart of Oklahoma City! Sign ups begin at 7pm and show begins at 7:30pmish. Free Admission! Free vendor set up! Bar Restaurant
  • 🍴 HOG FEED & Brad Fielder // The Deli (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm a late night showcase of electrified sounds for dancing and drinking 10 pm • $5 • 21+ @[613358162016520:274:Brad Fielder] country blues & ragtime https://www.bradfielder.net/ @[305468736537459:274:HOG FEED] juke joint blues & jank rock https://soundcloud.com/hogfeed
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 14th
  • 🎓 September Morning Mingle (Del City Chamber of Commerce - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am
  • SINGO Wednesdays (Lower Bricktown - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Beat the midweek hump with the new bar game that everyone is talking about! SINGO is a new and exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to their favorite music. Enjoy 1/2 price domestic drafts & discounted appetizers! Plus we will be giving prizes each night to the winners.…
  • 🏃 Tai Chi and SAIL Classes Stay Active & Independent for Life: Wednesdays and Fridays (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm Come join us for these free exercise programs. Tai Chi class is one of the most effective exercises for the health of mind and body. SAIL (STAYING ACTIVE AND INDEPENDENT FOR LIFE) Sail is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance and fitness is critical for…
  • 🎓 Teachers ½ to eat, too! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm Teachers and administrators can ring in the school year with a sweet deal. Every Sunday thru Thursday in September, a school ID will get teachers and administrators a half-priced Four Course Classic Experience. It’s our way of saying “thank you” for all you do!

Thursday, Sep 12th

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Buzzing Bumblebees: Baby Story Time (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:30am Join us for the first session in a new series: Buzzing Bumblebees: Baby Lapsit Story Time! Introduce your baby to words and reading with songs, rhymes, stories and play. This program is designed to engage babies birth to 18 months and their parents or caregivers. Engage your little one with new sights, sounds and movement through books, songs,…
  • 🎡 Chickasaw Country Entertainment Stage featuring Kevin Fowler (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm How Country Are Ya? is the good-timing, tradition-steeped and honky-tonk-stomping Amarillo native’s return to basics effort. Kevin Fowler has earned his...
  • Divided Heaven + tba (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Los Angeles' favorite punk/indie rockers return to OKC for some loud, smokey, warm, bar vibes. We love OKC and we love The Blue Note.
    HEAR the new Divided Heaven record: https://spoti.fi/2LUJb9b BUY the new Divided Heaven record: https://bit.ly/2JMO3wG INFO & TOUR DATES: Dividedheaven.com
  • The Four Italian Tenors (Armstrong Auditorium - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm For the first time ever, the Four Italian Tenors will be performing in the United States, including a show at Edmond's…
  • Full Moon OKC Bike Ride & Run (Crystal Bridge - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm The Full Moon Bike Ride and Run is a casual monthly event where friends and families can enjoy a leisure one-hour bike ride…
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 14th
  • Julian Dawson And Phil Lee (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 JUURI / Solo Art Exhibition (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm A solo exhibition featuring Oklahoma artist Juuri. https://www.instagram.com/juuriart83/ Exhibition opening + artist reception // Thursday, September...
  • Kevin Fowler in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Kevin Fowler performs live for the crowd. Fans can…
  • Magical Monarch Migration (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Thursday, September 12, 6-7pm The Garden Classroom Member $5; Nonmember $6 Best for ages 7 to 10 REGISTER HERE In this class, we will learn about this marvelous monarch with crafts and games and find a few ways we can help them arrive safely in Mexico. Put your new knowledge to work and join us the next two Fridays after this class for monarch…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Sep 16th Oklahoma State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on…
  • OCU Symphony Orchestra and Wind Philharmonic Season Opener (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm The OCU Symphony Orchestra and newly formed OCU Wind Ensemble join forces for our 2019-20 concert opener! The orchestra will perform @[102171823158143:274:Tchaikovsky]'s Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 under the baton of Prof. @[1035331834:2048:Jeffrey Grogan]. Dr. @[510184813:2048:Matthew Mailman] and the OCU Wind Philharmonic will present…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • Opening Celebration of Caballeros y Vaqueros (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm
  • 🏆 RuPaul's Drag Race: Werq The World - Oklahoma City (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Scrabble Showdown benefiting OKC Metro Literacy Coalition (Castle Falls Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Skill is only optional at this game night fundraiser! There are three levels of competition—novice, intermediate, and advanced/club. Enjoy food, drinks, two games of Scrabble, and drawings for prizes all evening. News 9’s Alex Cameron will be returning to emcee the 10th Annual Scrabble Showdown.
    OKC Metro Literacy Coalition promotes…
  • 🎓 Teachers ½ to eat, too! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm Teachers and administrators can ring in the school year with a sweet deal. Every Sunday thru Thursday in September, a school ID will get teachers and administrators a half-priced Four Course Classic Experience. It’s our way of saying “thank you” for all you do!
  • Teen Avengers Night (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Dress up like your favorite Avenger and come watch Avengers: Endgame. @[139181842792560:274:The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government] @[207071275983790:274:Guthrie Chamber of Commerce] @[1716001705334748:274:ChooseGuthrie] @[490379294436783:69:Talk around guthrie where nobody gets deleted]
  • The Truth about Decluttering Your Home (Francis Tuttle Technology Center North Campus - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Did you know that clutter in your home can lead to clutter in your head? Have you ever considered that your recent short term memory loss may not be associated with age at all -- but instead the result of a much needed unfinished declutter project? It’s time to rekindle the phrase, “Home is where the heart is” and let go of the belief that…

Friday, Sep 13th

  • 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk (Norman Arts District - Norman) The 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk, a monthly celebration of the arts in Norman, connects the downtown arts district with…
  • Aaron Lewis in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Rock out as Aaron Lewis performs at Riverwind Casino in Norman. Put your hands up and sway to the beat as…
  • 🍴 The Aints : Friday Happy Hour Show (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Join us for a Friday Happy Hour performance by Norman's own @[1677562695811365:274:The Aints]. No Cover and Non Smoking! 7-9pm
  • An Evening With Travis Linville (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Ante Up! (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎨 Norman Art Walk (Norman Arts District - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • BC & The Big Rig "Turn and Burn" Album Release party (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm BC & The Big Rig are throwing an album release party at The Deli! Turn and Burn is The Big Rig's third album. It is recorded by Taylor Tatsch at AudioStyles Studio in Dripping Springs, TX and Mastered at Foster Mastering in Portland, OR. Come on out and celebrate this Big Rig milestone. The Chance Anderson Band splits the evening to create a…
  • Chance Anderson Band LIVE (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm Chance Anderson Band W/ BC & The Big Rig
  • Chris Trapper in Oklahoma City, OK (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Harrah Day (Harrah Heritage Park - Harrah) Day 1 of 2 Come out for a day of family fun at Harrah Day. Begin the day as one of the best parades in the state makes its way through…
  • DeloektronidiscO at Bison Witches (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Ellen Moershel // Michael Fischerkeller (Mainsite - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎨 Norman Film Festival, Night One (Mainsite - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • The Gatlin Brothers in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before the Gatlin Brothers perform live for the crowd. Fans can…
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • 🎡 Latin Food Fest (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Friday, September 13, 7-11pm Seasonal Plaza Free event VIP: $25 per person RESERVE NOW!
    Get the VIP experience with tequila tastings and specials from local restaurants. Our Mariachi band performs at 7:30 p.m. followed by our DJ spinning your Latin favorites at 8:30 p.m. Jorge and Brenda from Tango Public Relations will serve as emcees.…
  • LIVE! on the Plaza: Oktoberfest (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm LIVE! on the Plaza is the Plaza District's free & monthly artwalk featuring art shows, live entertainment, great food and local shopping. Join us as we celebrate one of Oklahoma City's best monthly festivals!
    More details to be announced!
  • Mickey's Search Party (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Sep 16th Oklahoma State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on…
  • Monarch Tagging Walk-Ups (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm Friday, September 13 and 20, 2-3pm Children’s Garden Porch FREE With the crisp air of autumn on its way, our gardens are filled with the vibrant beauty of Monarch butterflies making their way south once more! To gain more information and learn about their journey, people all over the country participate in Monarch tagging. Join us for a quick…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • 🎡 Oklahoma State Fair - Performance & Event Venue - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - 4,407 Reviews - 5,539 Photos | Facebook (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Oklahoma State Fair - 3001 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107 - Rated 4.2 based on 4,407 Reviews
  • Ray Wylie Hubbard in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get your tickets for a very special evening of singesongwriter magic when Ray Wylie Hubbard takes over the iconic Tower…
  • 🏃 Tai Chi and SAIL Classes Stay Active & Independent for Life: Wednesdays and Fridays (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm Come join us for these free exercise programs. Tai Chi class is one of the most effective exercises for the health of mind and body. SAIL (STAYING ACTIVE AND INDEPENDENT FOR LIFE) Sail is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance and fitness is critical for…

Saturday, Sep 14th

  • 1st Responders Cook-Off (Lions Park - Blanchard) Join the Blanchard community for an evening of delicious barbecue served in Lions Park. At the 1st Responders Cook-Off, all…
  • The Annie Oakley in Concert (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Head to The Blue Door in Oklahoma City for an intimate performance by The Annie Oakley in the venue's listening room. A…
  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Bill Hearne Concert And Film (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Harrah Day (Harrah Heritage Park - Harrah) Day 2 of 2 Come out for a day of family fun at Harrah Day. Begin the day as one of the best parades in the state makes its way through…
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • 🎨 Film Education & Exploration Center at Norman Film Fest (Mainsite - Norman) Start Time: 12:00pm The Film Education & Exploration Center is a interactive learning space hosted by @[178763831500:274:Pioneer Library System]. This free, all ages venue provides kids with hands-on opportunities to learn about making their own films and videos. Classes are free, open to the public, and first come-first served. 12:00: How to Be a YouTuber 1:30:…
  • Norman Film Festival (Downtown - Norman) Each year, budding artists premiere their films at the Norman Film Festival. Created in 2017, this annual creative…
  • Front Line Poker Run (Citizen Potawatomi Nation Pow Wow Grounds - Shawnee) Honor veterans, law enforcement, fire and emergency medical responders with this fun, 115-mile run and an afternoon of…
  • 🎡 Fun for All Fall Festival (Britton Health Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Variety Care will hold a no-cost community event, themed “Fun for All Fall Festival,” Saturday, Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Britton Health Center, located at 721 W. Britton Road. The fall extravaganza will feature no-cost health and dental screenings, games, and prizes all in celebration of the one-year anniversary of the…
  • A Giving Heritage: Wedding Clothes and the Osage Community (Sam Noble Museum - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am
  • 🎓 Harn Homestead Vendor Fair (Harn Homestead Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Harn Homestead is holding it's first Vendor Fair. We have 21 vendors that will showcase our beautiful 10 acres and event barn on historic property. This is a great opportunity to come see all the options the Harn Homestead can provide for your wedding.
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Kenny Pitts: Solo // Album Release Party (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Join us for the official EP Album Release for Kenny Pitts: Solo and the official RISE of the Raging Peacemakers! If you enjoy local, live Oklahoma music... this is an event you do NOT want to miss.
    Kenny met Zac Maloy of The Nixons at the Oklahoma Songwriter's Fest in 2018. After hearing Kenny's initial songs, Zac was on board to produce the…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Sep 16th Oklahoma State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on…
  • Military Resource Fair (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Veterans service organizations will be on hand to help connect Servicemembers, veterans and their families with resources they want, need and deserve. The benefits offered by these different organizations may be based on criteria each organization uses to improve its focus on specific populations. We welcome all visitors who have served in the…
  • 🎨 Nature Photography Workshop (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Saturday, September 14, 1pm The Garden Classroom Member $18; Nonmember $24 Doug Hoke, Director of Photography, The Oklahoman Register by Tuesday, September 10 REGISTER HERE Partake in a unique adventure through the viewfinder of your camera. Capture vibrant photos of garden landscapes, flowers, insects, and birds. Class begins indoors and then…
  • Oklahoma Extreme Cowboy Race (Rolling Stone Stables - Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 The Oklahoma Extreme Cowboy Race combines speed and horsemanship as competitors take on roping and working cattle challenges…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • 🎡 Oklahoma State Fair - Performance & Event Venue - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - 4,407 Reviews - 5,539 Photos | Facebook (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Oklahoma State Fair - 3001 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107 - Rated 4.2 based on 4,407 Reviews
  • Oklahoma Stories (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Enjoy the work of trumpet player Matilda Lloyd as part of the Oklahoma City Philharmonic's Classic Concert Series. Held…
  • Rescue Me 5K Run/Walk for Life (Mitch Park - Edmond) Grab the family and lace up your running shoes for the Rescue Me 5K Run/Walk for Life. Starting at Edmond's Mitch Park,…
  • Resurrection: A Journey Tribute in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Resurrection: A Journey Tribute performs live for the crowd.…
  • Sprouting Chefs: Healthful Mug Cakes (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Sponsored by Sprouts Saturday, September 14, 10-11:30am The Garden Classroom Member $15; Nonmember $17 Toni Washington, Edmond Mobile Meals For families, preferably kids ages 7 and up REGISTER HERE Learn how to make quick and healthful mug cakes without the hassle and time of using an oven. We’ll talk about simple ingredients, like flour,…
  • 🎓 Super Saturday (Sam Noble Museum - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Join us for an exciting day filled with family fun including crafts, Meet a Scientist, Exploration Station, special guests and more! Go wild as an OU Fit and Rec yoga instructor leads families in animal-themed yoga! Exploration Station, meet a Scientist, a craft and the Spot It! scavenger hunt will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Other special…
  • 🎨 UCO Relief Printmaking Workshop (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am Open to all high school students. Registration fee includes demonstration by UCO faculty, hands-on instruction workshop, materials, lunch and participants keep their personalized artwork. $10 per person. Seating is limited. Register online at ocae.uco.edu.
  • Uptown 23rd Patio Parties (Uptown 23rd - Oklahoma City) Explore the Uptown 23rd District in Oklahoma City during lively Patio Parties this fall. At these community-oriented Patio…

Sunday, Sep 15th

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Banda Carnaval in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Banda Carnaval performs live for the crowd. Fans can experience…
  • Doo-Wop Glam Shop Classic Car Show (Warr Acres) Head to Warr Acres this September for the sixth annual Doo-Wop Glam Shop Classic Car Show. This public car show, held in the…
  • La Energía Norteña in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before La Energía Norteña performs live for the…
  • Mexican Independence Day Festival (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City) Celebrate Mexican Independence Day with culture-rich activities and entertainment. At Fiestas Patrias OKC, listen to…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Oklahoma State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on…
  • Oklahoma Extreme Cowboy Race (Rolling Stone Stables - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 The Oklahoma Extreme Cowboy Race combines speed and horsemanship as competitors take on roping and working cattle challenges…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…

Monday, Sep 16th

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Glen Hansard in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Oscar-winning artist Glen Hansard is taking over the Tower Theatre in Oklahoma City for a special evening of live music.…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Oklahoma State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • Unspoken in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Unspoken performs live for the crowd. Fans can experience a…

Tuesday, Sep 17th

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • The Grass Roots, the Buckinghams & the Boxtops in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before the Grass Roots, the Buckingham and the Boxtops…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • Social Repose in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Social Repose got his start as a YouTube vlogger with a series of original music. When Social Repose performs live, guests…
  • Wizarding World of Tiger Safari (Tuttle) Thru Thu, Oct 31st Harry Potter fans old and young will love the Wizarding World of Tiger Safari in Tuttle. This unique attraction invites…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 26th - Tue, Jan 1st)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Dec 26th

  • The Conciliation Series (December Installment) (Black Wall Street Theatre - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 11:00am
  • Cultural Fronteriza + The EXPERIENCE (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Tulsa Holiday Light Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Last Day Embrace the winter festivities with a trip to the annual Tulsa Holiday Light Show held at Tulsa Expo Square. Visitors…
  • John Mellencamp Exhibit & VR Dust Bowl Experience (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 10:00am
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (City Wide - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • Local Wednesday (Inner Circle Vodka Bar - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:00pm
  • Lyrical Smoke (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • 😂 Matt Sadler (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 29th
  • Northeastern Oklahoma Wood Turners Association (108|Contemporary - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 31st The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in…
  • Remember This + Bean Dance: Hopi Kachina Carvings (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 11:00am
  • Speaking Of Which A Spoken Word Open Mic (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa, real…

Thursday, Dec 27th

  • The Alternate Gardes (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • The Breached Macrocosm - Jave Yoshimoto (Tulsa Artists Coalition - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 29th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • The Conciliation Series (December Installment) (Black Wall Street Theatre - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 11:00am
  • Cultural Fronteriza + The EXPERIENCE (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 12:00pm
  • John Mellencamp Exhibit & VR Dust Bowl Experience (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 10:00am
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (City Wide - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • 😂 Matt Sadler (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 29th
  • Northeastern Oklahoma Wood Turners Association (108|Contemporary - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 12:00pm
  • 🎭 Tulsa Oilers (BOK Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:05pm
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Wichita Thunder (BOK Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 31st The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in…
  • Remember This + Bean Dance: Hopi Kachina Carvings (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 30th Start Time: 11:00am
  • Thirsty Thursday (Inner Circle Vodka Bar - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Thursday Night Throwdown (The Majestic - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tournament of Champions (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 29th Start Time: 9:00am Witness Oklahoma's premier high school basketball tournament live at the annual Tournament of Champions. Held at…
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa, real…
  • The Windrows (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm

Friday, Dec 28th

Saturday, Dec 29th

  • American Aquarium + Joshua Ray Walker (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Join American Aquarium for a very special evening of blistering honky-tonk when they take over the historic Cain's…
  • The Breached Macrocosm - Jave Yoshimoto (Tulsa Artists Coalition - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm
  • The Conciliation Series (December Installment) (Black Wall Street Theatre - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 11:00am
  • Cultural Fronteriza + The EXPERIENCE (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm
  • DJ FenixFX (The Majestic - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Home Free (Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 7:30pm Winners of the fourth season of "The Sing-Off" on NBC, Home Free is a five vocalist acapella country group originating out of Minnesota. Formed in 2000,...
  • John Mellencamp Exhibit & VR Dust Bowl Experience (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am
  • Jon Pardi in Concert (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Don’t miss the party at Tulsa’s Hard Rock Casino & Hotel this December as Jon Pardi takes the stage and wows…
  • Karaoke 21+ (Mainline - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (City Wide - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • 😂 Matt Sadler (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • Northeastern Oklahoma Wood Turners Association (108|Contemporary - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 31st The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in…
  • Pie Night (Antoinette Baking Co. - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Pleasuredome (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Remember This + Bean Dance: Hopi Kachina Carvings (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 11:00am
  • Through Being Cool: Emo & Pop Punk Night (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Tournament of Champions (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Witness Oklahoma's premier high school basketball tournament live at the annual Tournament of Champions. Held at…
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa, real…

Sunday, Dec 30th

Monday, Dec 31st

  • DangerZone Bull Riding & Futurity (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Head out to DangerZone Bull Riding & Futurity in Claremore this New Year's Eve for a day full of fun. The Claremore…
  • The Glitterati NYE Gala (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm Headliner: Jeremy Dawson of Shiny Toy Guns & MXMS Co-Headliner: Along Came a Robot Main Support: DJ Kylie Opener: Drumaddic
  • Lilac Kings Nye Release Party At the Vanguard (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (City Wide - Tulsa) Last Day Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • 😂 Matt Sadler (Loony Bin - Tulsa)
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Last Day The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in…
  • 🏃 Race Into the New Year 5K (River West Festival Park - Tulsa) Celebrate with a 5K running/walking chip-timed race that starts at 11:45PM and allows most runners to run from one year to the next!
    One Mile fun run starts at 11:00 PM
    Have you been thinking about your New Year's Resolutions? Why not end 2018 and kick off the 2019 season by running into the New Year with RunnersWorld Tulsa.
    This is a…
  • Turnpike Troubadours + Kaitlin Butts (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm Head to Tulsa for an amazing night of Red Dirt country when the Turnpike Troubadours bring down the house at Cain's…
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Last Day Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa, real…

Tuesday, Jan 1st

  • 🏃 Commitment Day 5K (Life Time Fitness - Tulsa) Join us as we commit to a happy and healthy New Year on January 1. This family friendly chip timed 5K will start and finish at Life Time Fitness, South Tulsa. Memorial Drive will be closed for us as we head north and back again for an after party that is sure to be worthy of New Years Day.
  • Hangover Ball 2019: Cody Canada, Evan Felker, Jason Boland, Jamie Lin Wilson, Mike McClure, William Clark Green, Wade Bowen, Nik (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Rest up after ringing in the New Year, and prepare for an evening spent at the Hangover Ball. Top local red dirt, country…
  • 🏃 Tatur's Polar Bear Plunge (Life Time Fitness - Tulsa) Your favorite way to start the new year is back! Tatur's Polar Bear Plunge is once again going to take place at Lifetime Fitness at Noon on Jan 1st! Join in on this fun run with 3 dips in the pool to start your year off in the Coolest way possible!

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 5th - Tue, Dec 11th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Dec 5th

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 7th Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Barrel Racing Futurity World Championship (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 8th The annual Barrel Racing Futurity World Championships come to Oklahoma State Fair Park. Put on by the Barrel Futurities of…
  • Dungeons & Dragons (Edmond Unplugged - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm A City on the Edge with Ashley King No Cost Beginners and experienced players welcome Pre-made characters will be available No outside food and drink, food and drink available within the store
  • 🎨 'Fantasy Rewind' (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm We are very proud to present a brand new VHS series out at The Paramount Screening Room on Film Row OKC! FANTASY REWIND will be us sharing classic science-fiction TV shows, animation, and fantasy VHS tapes! We're going hard into retro sci-fi with these shows and can't wait to bring you all along for the ride!
    The Paramount Screening Room has…
  • Golden Harmonizers Christmas Concert (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm Enjoy a special Christmas performance by our very own Golden Harmonizers. Directed by: Gary Hook
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City)
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 7th Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • Jessica Pratt & Kurt Vile (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Kurt Vile and the Violaters in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Head to the Jones Assembly in Oklahoma City for an evening of introspective folk as Kurt Vile and the Violators take the…
  • Live Music- Medium Swing (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 7th Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • Phillip Brandon (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Edmond Senior Center's Golden Harmonizers Christmas Concert (Tailgating Lot - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm Enjoy a special Christmas performance by our very own Golden Harmonizers. Directed by: Gary Hook http://edmondok.com/calendar.aspx?EID=7390
  • Trans-Siberian Orchestra 2018 Presented By Hallmark Channel (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🏆 Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…

Thursday, Dec 6th

  • 🍴 10th Annual Ugly Sweater Party (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Don’t miss The Melting Pot’s 10th Annual Holiday Sweater Party! You can’t bring yourself to wear it in public, but you don’t have the heart to throw it out. Here’s your chance to dig that ugly old holiday sweater out of the closet and join us for a festive evening of fun and four-course fondue.
  • $ 2018 OHA Annual Convention & Trade Show (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) The Oklahoma Hospital Association Spirit Award is given annually to exceptional individuals in the hospital community whose exemplary leadership and dedication have significantly enhanced patient care, their organizations and/or their communities. Each year, a different theme is emphasized. For 2018, the theme is the Spirit of Passion and…
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • 🎨 The Art Market : Locally Made, Gift Inspired Works (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Keeping in mind December gift giving, our featured artists have created smaller works that can be...
  • 🎨 Art Moves (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Join Arts Council Oklahoma City and deadCenter Film on Thursday, December 6th from noon to 1pm for a FREE film screening in The Paramount's historic...
  • Barrel Racing Futurity World Championship (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 8th The annual Barrel Racing Futurity World Championships come to Oklahoma State Fair Park. Put on by the Barrel Futurities of…
  • Shawnee Christmas Parade of Lights (Downtown - Shawnee) Enjoy one of Oklahoma's largest nighttime Christmas parades and watch as Main Street comes alive with lights. The…
  • COOP Showcase (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm $10 with ticketing fees Standing Room Only
  • DNA GALLERIES: The Art Market (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm DNA GALLERIES: ART EXHIBITIONS
  • Heart of Oklahoma Parade of Lights (Main Street - Purcell) Bundle up and make your way to downtown Purcell for the Heart of Oklahoma Parade of Lights. Watch bands, dancing groups,…
  • Heavenly Holidays (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Liven up the holiday season and attend a performance of "Heavenly Holidays" at the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond.…
  • Holiday Happening (Sam Noble Museum - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm Get in the holiday spirit with cookie decorating, pictures with Santa, games, winter crafts and a blizzard of fun! This even is open to the public and...
  • Home for the Holidays: A Gift of American Dance (Kirkpatrick Auditorium - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 9th Get in the rhythm of the holidays with a Broadway-style dance extravaganza at Oklahoma City University. Come marvel at…
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • Jake's Jingle Jam (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Head to Riverwind Casino in Norman for Jake's Jingle Jam. Featuring Devin Dawson and Maddie & Tae, guests are in for…
  • Jake's Jingle Jam ft. Devin Dawson & Maddie & Tae (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🎭 Lewis Black: The Joke's On US Tour (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Start Time: 8:00pm Don't miss stand-up comedian Lewis Black's hilarious show "The Joke's on Us" at the Rose State…
  • Lucki (Chevy Bricktown Events Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Chickasha Main Street Christmas Parade (Rock Island Depot - Chickasha) The 2018 Christmas Magic holiday parade features marching bands, floats, antique cars, horses and more. Come to the annual…
  • 🎓 Managing Stress (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center - Edmond) Start Time: 6:30pm Being stressed is uncomfortable. When you know why stress happens, you will know how to deal with it and how to antidote it. The trick is to learn the essential tools that stop stress happening.
    Regardless of its origins, stress drains our physical, emotional and mental energy.
    Several myths exist about the causes of stress and the most…
  • 🎭 Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm MISS BENNET: CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLEY By Lauren Gunderson & Margot Melcon Showing in the Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University A sequel to Jane...
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • Ramblin' Jack Elliott with Michael Fracasso (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏃 Red Coyote Pack Pint Run (Classen Curve - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Come run with the pack! The weekly Red Coyote Running and Fitness Pack Pint Run is an out-and-back 3-mile course so you can go as far or a short as you...
  • SahBabii (Chevy Bricktown Events Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Saints Sessions (Saints - Oklahoma City) Head to the Plaza District each Thursday for an evening of Saints Sessions programming. Visit Saints Pub in Oklahoma City on…
  • SG Tip (Chevy Bricktown Events Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Sip 'N Shop (Classen Curve - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Take a break from the holiday craze with an evening full of fashion, food, fun, and best of all - cocktails! Other cool things? Live entertainment, prize...
  • SpringHill Suites Art Night (SpringHill Suites by Marriott Oklahoma City Airport - Oklahoma City) Head to SpringHill Suites by Marriott Quail Springs Oklahoma City for a night filled with art. During SpringHill Suites…
  • 🎓 Moore Toastmasters (1st United Methodist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Do you cringe at the thought of being in front of a room communicating? Maybe you have no idea how to construct your thoughts for your next business meeting?
    Come and join toastmasters and learn the art of public speaking and leadership. It is a safe and great learning environment for you to start or refine your public speaking skills. There…
  • Young Nudy (Chevy Bricktown Events Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm

Friday, Dec 7th

  • 🎓 Edmond Ambucs Friday Luncheon (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm The Edmond Chapter Ambucs “creating mobility & independence for people with disabilities” hosts a weekly luncheon every Friday. Please join us at 12PM Noon, UCO Nigh Center, Cherokee Room. We also meet the 2nd Tues. night monthly, 5:30PM, Rock & Brews, 2737 W. Memorial Rd. for $5 burgers & FREE appetizers. More info., call (405)820-9667.
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Barrel Racing Futurity World Championship (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The annual Barrel Racing Futurity World Championships come to Oklahoma State Fair Park. Put on by the Barrel Futurities of…
  • Boys Ranch Town Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant (Edmond) Thru Sun, Dec 9th The Boys Ranch Town Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant has been an annual gift from Boys Ranch Town to the community and visitors…
  • 🎭 A Christmas Carol (Rose State College - Midwest City) Start Time: 10:00am A Christmas Carol is a ghost of a tale about the mean-spirited Ebenezer Scrooge-a businessman who believes charity promotes idleness and the poor should...
  • 🎭 A Christmas Story The Musical (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Start Time: 7:30pm BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! This musical, which received rave reviews on its Broadway run, is based on the movie classic that runs round-the-clock on...
  • City of Del City Christmas Tree Lighting (Del City Community Center - Del City) Start Time: 6:00pm Come and Join the City of Del City and The Del City Chamber of Commerce for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting. This is a great event for the whole...
  • Combsy + Henna Roso: Metro Music Series (ACM @ UCO - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Tickets are $10. Chris Combs, guitarist, composer and member of Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey, offers his debut, self-titled solo album, “Combsy.” “Combsy”...
  • A Down Home Christmas presented by A Gypsy and A Cowgirl (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:00pm Shop before Christmas! Vintage items, repurposed, antiques, hand crafted, specialty boutique items and more! VIP Night - December 7th $10 entry Live...
  • First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night visitors…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2
  • Heavenly Holidays (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Liven up the holiday season and attend a performance of "Heavenly Holidays" at the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond.…
  • Home for the Holidays: A Gift of American Dance (Kirkpatrick Auditorium - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 9th Get in the rhythm of the holidays with a Broadway-style dance extravaganza at Oklahoma City University. Come marvel at…
  • Hyborian and Bummer (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Hyborian with Bummer $10 Hyborian Riffy, thrashy, doomy, metal. Record Label: Season of Mist https://www.facebook.com/HyborianRock/...
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • 🎨 Inclusion in Art (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Art Hall is pleased to announce the opening of its next exhibition, organized by local group Inclusion in Art, on December 7, 2018, from 6-9pm.
    On this special evening, the gallery will also host a book signing with local author Julia Fresonke. Julia's new book "Seven Months in Brazil" will be available for purchase.
    Enjoy deliciously…
  • John Fullbright in Concert (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Oklahoma musician John Fullbright returns to his home state for a concert at the Blue Door in Oklahoma City. The…
  • 🎭 Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm MISS BENNET: CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLEY By Lauren Gunderson & Margot Melcon Showing in the Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University A sequel to Jane...
  • Myriad Kitchen: Holiday Dessert (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Friday, December 7, 6-7:30pm Member $20; Nonmember $27 Pam Patty, RD/LD, Community Wellness Dietician for Integris Health; Oklahoma Master Gardener REGISTER HERE Holidays in the kitchen are cherished memories. In this “make, take, and bake” workshop, the smell of Deep Dish Artisan Apple Pie will fill the room as you handcraft the crust from…
  • OCU Eagles: 40th Annual Twilight OCU Christmas Vespers Concert (Oklahoma City First Presbyterian Church - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm More than 250 choral singers and orchestral musicians will join forces Friday, Dec. 7, for a seasonal celebration encompassing Scripture reading, poetry,...
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • 😂 Open Mic Night (Don Quixote Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Friday is open mic comedy at Don Quixote's! Come see Oklahoma City's up and coming talent. If you're a comedian, sign up begins at 7:30. Show at 8. Stick around for the best karaoke in the city.
  • Pancho Barraza (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎭 Scrooge In Rouge - Christmas Show At The Boom (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎓 State of the Aerospace Defense Industry (Sheraton - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Host Sponsor Signature Event Sponsors State of the Aerospace Defense Industry Date: 12/07/2018 Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Location: Sheraton Midwest City Hotel at The Reed Conference Center 5750 Will Rogers Road Midwest City, OK 73110 Map to Event Add to My Calendar Aerospace plays a key role in the Greater Oklahoma City economy. At this annual…
  • Surreptitious: The After Work Social Mixer (Avenue 101 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm $10 Fishbowls $3 Hennessy Black $1 Beers $10 Hookah ($5 the 1st Hour) 3 Wine ::NO COVER::

Saturday, Dec 8th

  • 🏆 All College Classic (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Children ages 2 and up must have a ticket.
  • Backwoods Country Music Show (The Centre Theatre - El Reno) Come to the historic Centre Theatre in downtown El Reno to experience the Backwoods Country Music Show. Featuring…
  • Barrel Racing Futurity World Championship (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day The annual Barrel Racing Futurity World Championships come to Oklahoma State Fair Park. Put on by the Barrel Futurities of…
  • Boys Ranch Town Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant (Edmond) 1 day left The Boys Ranch Town Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant has been an annual gift from Boys Ranch Town to the community and visitors…
  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • Creative Christmas Craft Show (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Bring your list and check it twice at the Creative Christmas Craft Show in Norman. Held within the Cleveland County…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • Heartland Hunnies Craft & Vendor Show (Yukon) Shoppers are sure to find a little bit of everything at the Heartland Hunnies Craft & Vendor Show. This…
  • Heavenly Holidays (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Liven up the holiday season and attend a performance of "Heavenly Holidays" at the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond.…
  • Hip Hop Nutcracker (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Ring in the holidays with a fun remix of a Christmas classic at RACE Dance Company's production of the Hip Hop…
  • Home for the Holidays: A Gift of American Dance (Kirkpatrick Auditorium - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Get in the rhythm of the holidays with a Broadway-style dance extravaganza at Oklahoma City University. Come marvel at…
  • Indie Trunk Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) The Indie Trunk Show in Oklahoma City is all about the local crafters, artists and businesses of Oklahoma. Browse through…
  • John Fullbright in Concert (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Oklahoma musician John Fullbright returns to his home state for a concert at the Blue Door in Oklahoma City. The…
  • Norman Main Street Christmas Holiday Parade (Downtown - Norman) Jack Frost may be nipping at your nose, but you won't want to miss this Norman holiday tradition. The Norman Main Street…
  • Nighttime Lighted Parade & Fireworks Show (Downtown - Kingfisher) Bundle up, grab your camera and get into the holiday spirit this December for Kingfisher's Nighttme Lighted Parade &…
  • R.K. Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the R.K. Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma…
  • 🏃 Sandridge Santa Run (Leadership Square - Oklahoma City) Whether you run or walk, the entire family will enjoy some holiday fun and fitness at the Downtown in December SandRidge Santa Run. The SandRidge Santa Run includes a 5K run, and One-Mile Fun Run, as well as cash prizes for best costumed runners. http://downtownindecember.com/sandridge-santa-run/
  • Sesame Street Live! Elmo & Friends Meet & Greet! From 2:00pm-2:30pm (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Meet Elmo and his friends on stage on one of the world's most recognizable streets!
    With a ticket to this Meet & Greet experience, you can count on the following: • Meet and take photos with Elmo and two (2) of his friends before the show.* • Walk on stage and experience Sesame Street - everyone's favorite street! ** • Participate in a…
  • Sesame Street Live! Make Your Magic (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 11:00am Any child who has had their first birthday must have a ticket.
    When magician extraordinaire Justin visits Sesame Street to put on a magic show for the whole neighborhood, Elmo wants to be part of the big event. But there's one problem...Elmo doesn't know how to do magic! That's when Elmo teams up with Abby and Justin, embarking on an amazing…
  • Victorian Homes Tour (Historic Guthrie - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Go back in time with a close-up view of Guthrie's historic architecture on the Victorian Homes Tour. The tour…

Sunday, Dec 9th

  • Boys Ranch Town Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant (Edmond) Last Day The Boys Ranch Town Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant has been an annual gift from Boys Ranch Town to the community and visitors…
  • 🎭 Brian Regan (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Gather your whole crew and head to Bricktown for an evening of family-friendly laughs when comedy legend Brian Regan takes…
  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • Fort Reno Christmas Guns (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Quite literally a blast from the past, Fort Reno Christmas Guns is a tradition brought here by German immigrants. The…
  • Heavenly Holidays (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Liven up the holiday season and attend a performance of "Heavenly Holidays" at the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond.…
  • Hip Hop Nutcracker (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Ring in the holidays with a fun remix of a Christmas classic at RACE Dance Company's production of the Hip Hop…
  • Home for the Holidays: A Gift of American Dance (Kirkpatrick Auditorium - Oklahoma City) Last Day Get in the rhythm of the holidays with a Broadway-style dance extravaganza at Oklahoma City University. Come marvel at…
  • R.K. Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the R.K. Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma…
  • Sesame Street Live! Make Your Magic (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 11:00am Any child who has had their first birthday must have a ticket.
    When magician extraordinaire Justin visits Sesame Street to put on a magic show for the whole neighborhood, Elmo wants to be part of the big event. But there's one problem...Elmo doesn't know how to do magic! That's when Elmo teams up with Abby and Justin, embarking on an amazing…
  • Victorian Homes Tour (Historic Guthrie - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Go back in time with a close-up view of Guthrie's historic architecture on the Victorian Homes Tour. The tour…

Monday, Dec 10th

  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • Heavenly Holidays (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Liven up the holiday season and attend a performance of "Heavenly Holidays" at the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond.…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Utah Jazz (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Utah Jazz. Wear your blue and…
  • Victorian Homes Tour (Historic Guthrie - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Go back in time with a close-up view of Guthrie's historic architecture on the Victorian Homes Tour. The tour…

Tuesday, Dec 11th

  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • Heavenly Holidays (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Liven up the holiday season and attend a performance of "Heavenly Holidays" at the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond.…
  • Victorian Homes Tour (Historic Guthrie - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Dec 15th Go back in time with a close-up view of Guthrie's historic architecture on the Victorian Homes Tour. The tour…

See Also

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